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Showing posts from January, 2024

Less than a minute life lesson-2273 Impress vs Inspire.

  Less than a minute life lesson-2273 Impress vs Inspire.        It is better to inspire people with our quality of living Than impress others with our standard of living. It is not the standard of living that stays in others' minds; it is our character. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a minute life lesson-2272 Words

  Less than a minute life lesson-2272 Words Words are the building blocks of a sound relationship; pay attention to the words you use in conversation. The words can either build or ruin the relationship. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute life lesson-2271 Truth

  Less than a minute life lesson-2271 Truth It is painful to stand the truth but fruitful in the long run. Being true to yourself increases your self-esteem, and being truthful to others gains the respect of others. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a minute life lesson-2270 Conflicts

  Less than a minute life lesson-2270 Conflicts Conflicts are inevitable, but resolving them is a choice. To resolve the conflict, we should be willing to listen to the other side of the story. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute life lesson-2269 Perception

  Less than a minute life lesson-2269 Perception Life is what we perceive and how we react to our perception. If we perceive it as Monotonous, our reaction will be boredom, whereas if we perceive it to be joyful, our response will be to welcome life. You are the perceiver, and you are the receiver of your perception. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD                

Less than a minute life lesson-2268 Learning

  Less than a minute life lesson-2268 Learning There is learning in every phase of life that gives meaning to life.  Learning is a process of maturing. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD


  Envelope   An ageing father called his son, handed over a sealed envelope, and said, "You will open this envelope on the third day after my demise."   The   son reluctantly received the cover and placed it in his locker. After a few months, his father died, and Son opened the envelope as per his father's instruction and took out a letter; after reading the Letter, tears started rolling out of his eyes. His wife asked, "What happened?" and the husband handed over the Letter to her, and after she read it, tears started rolling out of her eyes.   A few family members who witnessed this asked what was in the Letter, and one of them came forward to read it.   My Dear Son   Thank you for taking care of me despite my ageing and weak memory. Due to my memory loss problem, I am writing this Letter to ensure that I want to remember to express my gratitude to you, to my daughter-in-law and my grandchildren, who showered your love and care. A...

What is Costly?

  What is Costly?   Any food that costs your health is costly. Any pleasure that costs your character is costly. Any mistakes that cost your career are costly. Any words that cost your relationship are costly. Any decision that costs your life is costly. Any activity that costs your time is costly. Any thought that costs your mind is costly. Anything that costs your peace is costly.   Cost need not be associated with the money you spend; it is how it impacts you physically and mentally.   M.L. Narendra Kumar

Less than a minute life lesson-2267 Facts and Logic in Debate

  Less than a minute life lesson-2267 Facts and Logic in Debate Debating without facts and logic is shooting an arrow in the dark at each other. Without logic and facts, it is an argument for an argument's sake and does not qualify to be debated. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Unwrap the Gift

  Unwrap the Gift   A young boy was given a gift wrapped in a beautiful artistic box. The boy did not open the gift wrapper, instead, he was admiring the gift wrapper. The boy carried the gift box with him and he had it next to his pillow while he went to the bed and ensured nobody opened it; after a few days, the wrapper was crumpled and appeared old. One fine day, the boy opened the gift box and found a puzzle game in it. He slowly started learning how to solve it. A young boy was given the similar gift on the same day, when the first boy got it, but he did not wait to open, but he unwrapped the same and start learning how to solve the puzzle At this point, some of you will have a logical question: is a child not curious? Why will a child wait to open the gift? If you had this thought, you had the right question. Yes, the child is curious; it will never wait to unwrap the gift. Similarly, the child will be interested to know more. The above questions prove that t...

Our Greed will make us pay for our basic needs.

  Our Greed will make us pay for our basic needs. A Bird builds a nest on the branch but does not claim the tree's ownership. An Animal drinks the water from the river but does not claim ownership of the river. Humans are the only species that try to own nature; their need to own everything results from their Greed. If we don't bid farewell to our Greed, we will start paying for us to breathe. Remember, we have begun paying the price for the water and will pay a considerable price for everything we need. M.L.Narendra Kumar    

Who is useless?

  Who is useless? Some trees are too old to bear the fruits or be used for making furniture, but they are good enough to provide shade. Shade is good enough to help people rest, rest is good enough to rejuvenate, and rejuvenation is good enough to restart. Now understand whether the tree is useless or people who need to learn how to use the tree are useless. M.L.Narendra Kumar      

Less than a minute life lesson-2266 Ignore and Ignorance

  Less than a minute life lesson-2266 Ignore and Ignorance Some are ignorant about what to ignore; Some are ignorant about what not to ignore, Ignorance will prevail till people are ignorant.   Realising our ignorance and developing the ability to ignore what we should and should not help us to move forward. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD        

Selecting an employee

  When you look for an employee, look for the following qualities.   P assion to P erform E mpathize with E veryone O ptimistic about taking O wnership. P atience to P rogress L ove to L earn E nthusiastic about E arning. a name for self and the organization   People with the above qualities will be the right people for the right role. M.L. Narendra Kumar  

Progressive Business

  Progressive Business   Passion will help you start a business. Vision will help you to see the future. The mission will help you to set the goals. Values will help you to be ethical and legal. The process will help you to run it. Discipline will help you to sustain it. Determination will help you face the challenges. Patience will help you to reap the profits. Progressive thinking will help you to embark on the future. M.L.Narendra Kumar

Redefining Business losses

  Redefining Business losses   Losses are opportunities to L earn L essons.   Losses can be opportunities to O ptimise O ptimism.   Losses are opportunities to S earch the S oul.   Losses are opportunities to S eek New S olutions.   Losses are opportunities for E nergising ourselves to go the E xtra mile.   Losses are opportunities to S tart S omething new.   We can convert losses into opportunities when we change our attitude towards losses.   M.L. Narendra Kumar    

Less than a minute life lesson-2265 Nurture your Nature.

  Less than a minute life lesson-2265 Nurture your Nature. If you want to nurture your nature, get inspired by nature. Nature is a profound teacher. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a minute life lesson-2264 Selflessness

  Less than a minute life lesson-2264 Selflessness Selflessness defines one's usefulness. One's wealth does not define success; it is determined by creating happiness and peace for others. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  


  Salute   While we peacefully sleep, they are awake. While we clean our homes, they clean our borders. While our children wear their uniforms in fancy dress competitions, their next generation is getting ready to wear their uniforms. While we have petty fights with our neighbours, they fire a few rounds in the borders. While we complain about the climate, they battle the climate and the enemy. While we thrill ourselves with sliver screen heroes, they are real heroes on the ground. While we dine at our convenience, they dine in turns. While we think about our Nation on Independence Day and Republic Day, they think about the Nation every second. While we preach discipline, they breathe discipline. They are our Saviours and warriors dressed in green so that the Nation is clean from terrorism.   Let us salute the Indian Army on Army Day-15th of January. M.L.Narendra Kumar