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Less than a minute lesson -2685 Unimportance at the cost of importance

  Less than a minute lesson -2685 Unimportance at the cost of importance The more we want to feel important, the more we will do things that gain the importance of others; by doing so, we will stop doing what is important to us and start living to impress others. There is no point in gaining importance by doing unimportant activities in life. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD          
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Less than a minute lesson -2684 Peace

  Less than a minute lesson -2684 Peace To experience peace outside ourselves, we must first achieve inner peace. Peace is not something we can buy or trade; it is a process of understanding ourselves, defining our needs, discovering what brings us joy, and determining how we want to relate to others. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

House to Homes??

  House to Homes?? The time spent designing a house often surpasses the effort to turn that house into a home. Lately, many houses resemble service apartments, where people primarily use them for eating, sleeping, and washing, rather than for heartfelt conversations, caring for one another, and helping to ease each other's struggles. A double income brings merits and demerits; the day we set limits on our earnings is the day houses will transform into homes. Parents will no longer be mere signatories, and children will be more than just students at school. We have a long way to go. As long as EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments) loom over us, they do not guarantee that our loans will end. After all, a designer house will eventually require renovation. However, we often neglect the need to renovate our thinking. M.L. Narendra Kumar  

Questions- But Answers later

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The most powerful God and the Temple

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Less than a minute lesson -2683 Unhappiness

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Less than a minute lesson -2682 Responsibility

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