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Showing posts from 2012

guess who i am ?

Just take few minutes to read this poem and guess who I am     I am hidden inside you when you are calm and composed I am seen in you when you are tensed and unfocussed When you win me, you produce results and you win When I win you I make you scream and grin When you are positive, I am not even your tenant When you are negative, I am your owner When you take few minutes to understand why I come in you, I immediately disappear When you don’t doctor appears in front of you   When I am less in you there are people around you When I am more in you there are nurses around you When I am coped you are balanced When I am not you are soaked When you manage yourself , you will say bye to me When you don’t you will have no one to tell bye to you You would have guessed who I am, definitely not your friendly neighborhood I am Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. / Dr. S t r e s s……..

A Simple Thought on Achieving Financial Discipline

  F= V x K  F= Motivation to save  V= perceiving value for saving  K= Knowledge about Saving  If a person values savings but still he is not knowledgeable about savings he will not save it wisely  If a person does not value saving as well as he is not knowledgeable he will not save  If a person does not value saving but still he is knowledgeable he will not save  If a person values saving and he is knowledgeable he will save it wisely  Financial discipline comes from seeing enough of value in savings & developing required knowledge in savings  Identify what is missing in you  If you are not able to see value talk to your self If you are not knowledgeable talk to your Financial Consultant