Just take few minutes to read this poem and guess who I am
I am hidden inside you when you are calm and composed
I am seen in you when you are tensed and unfocussed
When you win me, you produce results and you win
When I win you I make you scream and grin
When you are positive, I am not even your tenant
When you are negative, I am your owner
When you take few minutes to understand why I come in you,
I immediately disappear
When you don’t doctor appears in front of you
When I am less in you there are people around you
When I am more in you there are nurses around you
When I am coped you are balanced
When I am not you are soaked
When you manage yourself , you will say bye to me
When you don’t you will have no one to tell bye to you
You would have guessed who I am, definitely not your friendly neighborhood
I am Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. / Dr. S t r e s s……..
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