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Showing posts from January, 2017
Your life is my Inspiration leading to a new beginning On a windy evening a middle aged man was standing atop tall building with a cigarette in his hand. He was looking at the sky and pulling his last puff. He walked towards the dustbin near the wall and dumped his cigarette with a sarcastic smile. He spotted a shadow moving towards him and turned back to see a young man walking towards the wall. The young man greeted him, placed both his hands and said “everything looks small”. The middle aged man said “nothing is small or big; it depends on where we are standing” The Young man turned and with a smile said “you are right sir” The Young man asked “what brings you to the terrace of this building?" The middle aged man looked at the cigarette bud and said I wanted take my last puff of cigarette. Young man “Have you decided to quit smoking”? Middle aged man replied “I have decided to quit this world” Young man “you too sir” Middle aged man “what do you mean by

Beer & Learning

Beer & Learning      \        1.  Opening the beer is equal to opening the door of Learning.  2- Empty glass is like an open mind.  3. Pouring beer is like gathering information  4. When the Froth and the Lather comes out, it indicates the eagerness to learn 5. When you say cheers it indicates you are ready for a new beginning  6.  When you sip, it is like trying a new task in life 7.  When you bite some bar snacks, it indicates you are gaining allied skills 8.  When you go for the second round, it indicates you are gaining more knowledge 9.  When you take a leak it indicates you are pushing unwanted things. 10.  Paying the bill indicates you have paid the learning fees. 11. If you repeat the process, it indicates you are a student of life.  "Be a responsible Beer drinker and take responsibility for your Learning."
Life Lesson from Peg Measures                                         It doesn't matter whether you are large or small, you still have a place to settle.

Life Lessons From Beer Colors

Life Lessons From Beer Colors  There can be different flavours of beers, and each flavour might taste differently, but finally, the agenda is to have a refreshing feeling. Similarly, we human beings can be different in our own ways, but let's not forget that our ultimate aim is to keep others happy and to be happy. 
Life Lesson from Upma On a Sunday morning husband wakes up after a long nap and hits the dinning table for a breakfast, to his surprise he sees Upma on the table and shouts " Honey what the hell is this" Wife shouts from the kitchen " Manage it".  After finishing his breakfast he goes out to meet his friends and returns around 1 P.M, he approaches the Kitchen searching his wife and sees her arranging dishes for the lunch. He goes closer and opens the lid and tells" wow it is mouth watering" they both walk towards the dinning table and start helping each other in serving the food.  Wife " How is the food?  Husband" Too good , it is awesome" Wife " I wanted to surprise you with a new recipe, so I was engrossed in this work in the morning, I am sorry that I couldn't serve your favourite Sunday breakfast. Husband lifted his head and looked at her for a while and walked towards her and said " Sometimes