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Showing posts from April, 2022

The stories behind everything we use

  The stories behind everything we use    The furniture we use has a craftmanship story to tell The garments we use have a design story to tell The gadgets we use have skill stories to tell The food we eat has a passionate story to tell The vehicle in which we transport has safety stories to tell The electrical power we consume has a risky story to tell The water we drink has a hardship story to tell The jewellery we wear has an artistic story to tell The entertainment we have has a creative story to tell. Behind every story, there is a labourer, and, inside every labourer, there is hardship and determination to be appreciated. There is a labourer behind everything we use and each labourer has a story to tell; let us salute those labourers who toil for us to be comfortable in our lives. Happy May Day M.L.Narendra Kumar        

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1630 - Hard work and Smart work

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1630 Hard work and Smart work It is hard work that works first and from those hard workers, we learn how to work better, which is termed smart work. We become smart when we work hard. M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Easy and Difficult

  Easy and Difficult It is easy to judge; but difficult to understand It is easy to criticize; but difficult to create It is easy to speak; but difficult to listen It is easy to find flaws; but difficult to be flawless It is easy to hurt others; but difficult to heal others It is easy to suggest; but difficult to do It is easy to boss over others, but it is difficult to lead It is easy to give up; but difficult to restart It is easy to fool others, but difficult to realize we are fooled.   If we settle down for doing easy things, we will find it difficult to face difficulties. M.L. Narendra Kumar

Being Rich - An Interaction with a Monk

  Being Rich An Interaction with a Monk A Youngman asked a monk, "what should I do to become rich?" The Old Monk asked, "What do you mean by becoming rich?" The Youngman said, "I want to earn more money and possess more wealth." The monk smiled and said, "you have come to the wrong place, you should have gone to a financial consultant." The Youngman asked, "Is there not a means of becoming rich through your teachings?" The monk said, "We don't teach, we question; through your answers, you either learn, relearn or unlearn." The Youngman smiled and said, "you are right." The monk said, now let me help you understand what is being rich.  A man who walks on the road is rich and, the man who travels in a luxury car is also rich; it depends upon how they define it. Some are rich in knowledge, whereas some are rich in values.  Some are rich in mind, whereas some are rich in heart.  The Youngman stops the monk and asks,

Targets in business

  Targets in business When employees set a target, their families will benefit from it, whereas when employers set a target, many families will benefit from it. As an employee working for organizations who aspire to reach the peak, such an employer's vision can be a route to your future entrepreneurship journey. By resisting targets, you are losing your ability to discover your strengths in you. A beaten iron becomes strong and a polished diamond shine. Never miss the opportunity to become strong like an Iron and shine like a diamond. M.L Narendra Kumar


  Life   Some wish for a good life Some work towards a good life Some accept life as it comes Some see life as just life. Some wonder what life is. Some keep talking about others' lives. Some keep thinking about life after death Some discuss Past life It doesn't matter what you do with your life based on the above list, but remember, life is a gap between birth and death; you alone can fill the gap by defining what your life should be.   Life is an empty notebook; lead it in such a way it becomes a worthy book to be published.   M.L. Narendra Kumar      

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1629 - Forget-3-Losses

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1629 Forget-3-Losses Forget the losses in the books; focus on the intangible benefits you had gained in the business. Income and expenses can be written in books, but not the benefits you derived.   M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1628 - Forget-2-Problems

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1628 Forget-2-Problems Forget the pains caused by a problem, but never forget the lessons learnt from it. Whether a problem comes with a solution or not, it comes with some lessons that are unforgettable in life. M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1627- Forget-1-Favours

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1627 Forget-1-Favours Forget the Favours done by you to others, but never forget the Favours done to you by others. Remember, your gratitude reflects in your attitude. M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1626 - Losing in the mind

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1626 Losing in the mind Every time you lose in your mind you will lose in your life.  Remember, you are the master of your mind and hence master the art of minding your mind to keep winning in your life. M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1625 - Master Key

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1625 Master Key         When the master key is within you, why should you wait for the keys from outside? Keep motivating yourself from within because you know what you are and what you need in your life M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD          

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1624 Wants and Need

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1624 Wants and Need         If your wants motivate you, you will be distressed; whereas when you are motivated by your needs, you will stay balanced. Healthy living is an art of reducing the wants and working towards the needs M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    


                                                                            Mirror   A Youngman was wiping the mirror for a long time, a middle-aged man was observing the same and told the Youngman, "Gentleman, I have been observing you for a long time, you have been wiping the mirror for a long time, but I don't see any strain nor dirt on the mirror.   The young man went closer to the mirror and pointed to the strain.    The middle-aged man took a tissue paper, wiped the strain on the young man's face and told him to look in the mirror.    The Youngman smiled and said, "I forgot about the strain on my face."   The middle-aged man with a smile said, "Many of us forget to correct ourselves, but instead try to correct others."   Changing self is better than changing others.   M.L. Narendra Kumar    

Ups and Downs - An Interaction with a Monk

  Ups and Downs An Interaction with a Monk   A middle-aged man approached an Old Monk and said, "master, my life is full of ups and downs-what should I do to stabilise it? The Old Monk replied, "nothing." The middle-aged man was puzzled and asked, "can you be specific?" The Old Monk replied, "congratulations."  The middle-aged man was confused and said, "master can you give me an explanation for your one-word replies?  The old monk asked,  "When you are leading a good life, why should you think about stabilising it?" The middle-aged man asked, "are ups and downs a good life?" The old monk replied, "yes, it is, because, during downs, you realise your mistakes, develop your competencies and, you will come out of your difficulties. The middle-aged man agrees by nodding his head. Whereas during Ups, you will not think about developing yourself, because you might be busy celebrating your success and living wi

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1623 Words and Silence

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1623 Words and Silence         It is not only your words that are misunderstood but also your silence. Be clear about your choice of words and be thoughtful about when to remain silent. M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD


  Books   In my childhood, it was exciting to receive my textbooks at the beginning of the academic year and it was even more exciting to see the bounded books. There were some favourite subjects and those textbooks were closer to my heart. While the teacher was reading the book, I used to underline a few sentences and mark them as very important. Sometimes, when I forgot to carry my textbook, my friend used to share it with me. Those textbooks not only taught me the subject, but they also taught me the importance of taking care of my belongings too.    I was introduced to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Dr Kotnis and many more through Amar Chitra Katha. I learnt the need for humour through Tinkle, Tin-Tin, Archies etc. These books introduced me to the world of reading.    During my college days, novels like James Hadley Chase took me to the world of imagination and, as I grew, I was drawn to my filmmaking passion and started reading books on filmmaking.    When I stepped into

Books for Life

                                                            Books for Life   Some books were seeds to my ideas Some books were stimulant to my growth   Some books made me laugh Some books made me cry   Some books removed my ignorance Some books removed my ego   Some books changed my views Some books questioned my ideology   Some books put me to sleep Some books kept me awake   Some books were easy to read Some books were difficult to digest   Some books added fuel to the fire Some books reduced my anger   Some books taught me how to earn more Some books questioned me why I should earn more     Some books helped me to learn Some books helped me to unlearn   Books are not mere papers and prints; they are collections of thoughts and experiences   On this World Book Day and Copyright Day (23rd April) let us pick books that can add value to our lives.    Happy Reading   M.L.Narendra Kumar    

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1622 Slave Vs Master

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1622 Slave Vs Master When the situation takes control of you, you will become the slave to the situation, whereas when you take control of the situation, you will become the master of the situation.  Either becoming a slave or a master depends upon how you perceive and handle the situation. M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1621 - Anger

  Less than a Minute Life Lesson-1621 Anger Anger is an expression that need not be controlled; however, it should be expressed without hurting oneself and others. Uncontrolled anger erupts immediately, whereas unexpressed anger erupts; but erupts later. However, both do the same damage. Instead of controlling your anger, communicate your anger M.L.  Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD