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Showing posts from July, 2022

Less than a Minute Lesson-1723 Mind over the body

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1723 Mind over the body If temptation, lust, and obsession take over you, your body will no longer be your friend; it will become a permanent enemy who will keep hurting you every day.   Channelize  your mind to take care of your body. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1722 Aspire to Inspire

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1722 Aspire to Inspire If you aspire to go the extra mile, you will be an inspiration for others to take their first step. An accomplished life is a combination of aspiration and inspiration. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD        

Less than a Minute Lesson-1721- Thoughts and Association

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1721 Thoughts and Association To be optimistic and cheerful in life, isolate yourself from toxic people & insulate yourself with positive thoughts. Your life will shape by your thoughts and the people with whom associate with M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1720- Define your life

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1720 Define your life Don't define your life based on others' demands; you will not be what you ought to be. You should define yourself based on your values and not by others’ expectations about you M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Less than a Minute Lesson-1719 The better version of you

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1719 The better version of you You become a better version when you change with time, upgrade to stay tuned. Knowledge is knowing the importance of change, wisdom is changing M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD        

The Twins within us

  The Twins within us When you fail, the twins called dejection and rejection will enslave you, but handover yourself to the twins called conviction and determination to bounce back. When you fail, the twins called insult and criticism will encircle you, but hand over yourself to twins called positivity and learning to bounce back. When you fail, the twins called fear and worries will surround you, but hand over yourself to twins called courage and peace to bounce back. When you fail, the twins called guilt and regret will haunt you, but handover yourself to the twin’s called realisation and forgiveness to bounce back. Remember, inside every one of us, there are two personalities, let us learn to activate the friend who can take us to heights and deactivate the enemy who holds us back. Let the activation and deactivation begin M.L. Narendra Kumar                           ...

Journey of a Lead to a loyal customer

  Journey of a Lead to a loyal customer   Not every lead is a suspect. Not every suspect is a prospect. Not every prospect will be our customers. Not every customer will be a satisfied customer. Not every satisfied customer will be a delighted customer. Not every delighted customer will be a loyal customer. As a salesperson, our job is to generate the leads, keep filtering our suspects to prospects, keep converting our prospects into customers, keep working towards satisfying them, keep going the extra mile to delight them and keep proving ourselves to win their loyalty.   Getting an order is the beginning of a relationship. A hardcore salesperson with soft skills can make a difference to the customer, organisation, and self. M.L. Narendra Kumar        

Less than a Minute Lesson-1718 -A mind is like a Time Machine

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1718 A mind is like a Time Machine Our mind is like a time machine; it can go through the past and ability to visualise a future, but we have a choice to dwell on past failures or worry about an uncertain future.   When we have an incredible machine called the mind, let us use it to pick up the lessons from the past and use our creativity to develop a better future. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD                    

Less than a Minute Lesson-1717 -Pressure of being Right

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1717 Pressure of being Right If the pressure of being right is more than the pleasure of doing things, stress will be the net result. Remember, not everyone can be right, every time M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1716 - Smiles

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1716 Smiles Our childhood friends bring back different types of smiles on our faces; in their company , we forget the pain for a while.   To cherish life, let us connect as a child M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Hard work and Results of Hard work

  Hard work and Results of Hard work   Where there is H onesty there is H armony   Where there is A ction there is A dventure   Where there is R esponsibility  there is R espect   Where there is D edication there is D evelopment   Where there is W illingness there is W ealth   Where there is O ptimism there is O pportunity   Where there is R ighteousness, there is R ewards   Where there is K eenness, there is K nowledge   If we use the above, we are working hard to build a better future for self and others.    It is the qualities that make us, not the qualification   M.L. Narendra Kumar                

Less than a Minute Lesson-1715 Delegation

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1715 Delegation Not all the task in your hand needs to be on your To DO list; they can be on others’ To-do list- Provided you know the art of delegation.  When you delegate, you not only free yourself; but you are also developing others. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a Minute Lesson-1714 Leading People

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1714 Leading People Leaders are those who are committed to helping their subordinates to identify the leader in them. People would like to be led, not bossed. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1713 Task Vs People

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1713 Task Vs People If a manager doesn't focus on people development, he is in the process of becoming a taskmaster, whereas if he considers people development as his priority, he is in the process of becoming a Leader. Employees will give their best when the manager focuses on their overall development M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1712 -Hurting Vs Healing

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1712 Hurting Vs Healing Hurting others is easy, but healing is not. Words can either become toxic or they can be a medicine, think twice before you speak M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Animals who laughed at us

  Animals who laughed at us  Ant laughed at the human who was swiping his credit card.  Ant should be the source of inspiration for saving and preparing for the contingency.  A group of crows laughed at the humans who were selfish.  Crows are known for sharing and we should be inspired by the crows to be more loving and caring.   Cock laughed at a person who was asleep after the alarm was ringing.  Cock should be our source of inspiration to wake up early in the morning.    Rabbit laughed at a person who was lazy.  An energetic rabbit should be our source of inspiration to be active.  Eagle laughed at a person who was defocused on his goal.  Eagle should be our source of inspiration to stay focused on our goals. Donkey laughed at a person who was unwilling to work hard.  There is no substitute for hard work and a donkey should be our source of inspiration to work tirelessly. Cow laughed at a person who was unwilling to con...

You are Peaceful

  You are Peaceful You are peaceful if you are P assionate about living You are peaceful if you E xpect less You are peaceful if you A ccept the indifference You are peaceful if you C ommunicate your feelings You are peaceful if you E arn for your need & not for your greed You are peaceful if you F eel contented You are peaceful if you U nderstand peace is more important than pleasure You are peaceful if you understand L ife is a learning process Define your peace to refine your life M.L.Narendra Kumar  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1711 - Power

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1711 Power You can control people with your designated power, but you can neither win their loyalty nor retain them forever. Remember power is a double-edged sword it can hurt both the holder and the beholder. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a Minute Lesson-1710 Criticism and Challenges

  Less than a Minute Lesson-1710 Criticism and Challenges Convert criticism into challenges & challenges into goals to reach new heights in your life. When you are confronted, you will move out of your comfort zone. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD