React Vs Respond
If you react,
you will regret it, whereas if you respond; others will feel guilty.
If you react, you will lose your credibility, whereas if you respond; your credibility will go up.
If you react, you are at the mercy of others, whereas if you respond, you are in control.
If you react, you are opposed, whereas if you respond; you are supported.
If you react, you hurt yourself and others, whereas if you respond, you neither hurt yourself nor others.
If you react, your rigidity is exposed, whereas if you respond, your adaptability is seen.
If you react, you will have sleepless nights, whereas if you respond, you will have peaceful nights.
If you react, your immaturity is experienced, whereas if you respond, your maturity is appreciated.
If you react, your vulnerability is proved, whereas if you respond, your firmness is seen.
In our life, we come across many situations where we have a choice to either react or respond, our choice determines our peace.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl, a neurologist, psychologist and Holocaust survivor
M.L.Narendra Kumar
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