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Showing posts from July, 2017
Don’t try to…. Don’t try to know a person; understand the person Don’t try to read a book; use the learning from book Don’t try to impress with your words; express with your heart Don’t try to change others; change yourself Don’t try to be rich; be rich at values Don’t try to listen; connect with your heart Don’t try to reduce your weight; be healthy Don’t try to forget the past; start planning for your future Don’t’ try to forgive; start talking Don’t try to win; keep playing Don’t try to participate; be a participant Don’t try to stop a habit; start a new one Don’t try to seek for help; knock the door Don’t try to stop postponing; start with a small task Trying is  delaying a decision, doing is decision in action… Decide…. Written by:M.L.Narendra kumar
Life Lessons from Books Every book has a purpose, similarly every life has a purpose. Some books are sacred hence it is preserved,  similarly some moments in life are sacred hence it lives with us. Some books teaches us "how to..", Similarly some moments of life teaches us how to lead a life. Some books teaches us " how not to..." Similarly some moments of life also teaches us how not to lead a life. Some books can be read once, similarly some moments of life can be lead once. Some chapters can be revisited some need not to be, similarly some moments in life can be revisited to relearn and unlearn but some can be forgotten. Books can be borrowed, similarly certain life experience can be borrowed. Books can be exchanged, similarly certain life experience can be exchanged. A Book is written by an author, whereas we are the authors of our life. Certain books live for centuries but  we don't, however our life can be a part of a book w...
Business Lessons from a Child By constant crawling child is in momentum similarly let's keep exploring in the business by understanding what is happening around us. By falling & rising child learnt how to walk Similarly by seeing the ups and downs we need to  learn the art of doing business. By constant Questioning child tried to understand the world around , similarly let's keep Questioning to understand how to improve our business. By crying child proved it's Ability to get what it needs, similarly we should  constantly keep seeking what we need. By forgetting the fight in the play area the child has learnt forgiveness similarly we need forget those petty issues and keep moving forward. By being busy every time the child always had a reason to wait for the next day similarly we need to keep ourselves busy with our routines as well  by working towards our goals. By trying something new on a daily basis child unleashed it's Creativity similarl...
It's OK-2 It's OK to maintain a relationship than to win an argument. It's ok to retain a customer who has given us few million dollars than to earn few thousand dollars by losing him/her. It's ok to spend few thousand dollars  than  to  invest few million dollars in an unknown business. It's ok to  be called a slow Decision maker than  to be called a poor decision maker. It's ok to be called ignorant than to be called an egoistic person. It's ok to eat less than to swallow few digestive pills. It's ok to reduce a peg than to wake up with a hangover. It's ok to be rejected in love than to be accepted and ditched. It's ok to enjoy few minutes a day than to long for a long break in a year. It's ok to read and forward or forward and read this message. Written by: M.L.Narendra Kumar⁠⁠⁠⁠
Call me... ·          Call me a fool & reflect upon your losses you know who you are. ·          Call me a stupid & reflect upon your mistakes you know who you are. ·          Call me arrogant & reflect upon your enmity you know who you are. ·          Call me careless & reflect upon what you lost you know who you are. ·          Call me lazy & Reflect upon the days when you used your snooze button you know who you are. ·          Call me fearful and Reflect upon the days  you were afraid to walk in the darkness, you know who you are. ·          Call me dud and Reflect upon the days when you didn't know how to act, you know who you are. At one point of time we a...
It's Ok It's OK not to be right It's OK not  to be perfect It's OK not to be liked It's OK not to be admired It's OK not to be healthy It's OK not to be wealthy It's OK not to be knowledgeable It's OK not to be smart It's OK not to be beautiful It's OK not be accepted It's OK  not to be okay Written By: M.L.Narendra Kumar⁠⁠⁠⁠
Guess Who I am-19 I am good I am bad I am difficult to inculcate I am difficult to change I can make a person I can break a person I can build a character I can ruin a character I can make a person to be liked I can make a person to be disliked I can be a tool I can be a weapon I can keep a person healthy I can make him sick I can make a person rich I can make a person poor I can be the reason for peace I can be the reason for worries Extreme of me is addiction I die hard Some are trying to develop me Some are trying to leave me I can make or break you I determine your life Use me right I will be your slave Use me wrong you will be my slave I am habit Written by : M.L.Narendra Kumar⁠⁠⁠⁠
How can I Forget My Teachers? How can I forget my Language teachers who took me into the world of communication, who helped me understand the power of literature and who enhanced my ability to speak languages. Today I need to praise them with a Poem for raising my Linguistic Intelligence. How can I forget my Maths teachers who taught me how to count,  if I am counting cash and calculating interest rate today I am Indebted to my all my maths teachers for building my Mathematical  Intelligence. How can I forget my History Teachers who made me understand the glory of our past and ability to understand the qualities of a great people, today I need to carve their contribution in a stone which remains forever for developing my ability to do a research. How can I forget my Geography Teachers who made me understand that we are one among those millions of galaxies and who created the curiosity about Aliens. Today I need to pin a Star for those teachers for developing my...
Guess who I am-18 I been there right from inception. I drive the world. I am an output of thinking. I am Good for those who accept me and bad for those who don't. I have built organizations as well ruined organizations. I am part of human growth. I am the reason for seeking variety. You can see me in people's behavior. You can see me in a country's Infrastructure. You can experience me in technology. Some people like  to see me in others, some don't. Some pay to embrace me, some pay to drive me in others. Some are prepared to face me, some resist. I am constant. I am an integral part of you. You have experienced me as you age. I have  been constantly driving you to survive. I am Change. If you like me I am with you. If you open the doors  for me I will open the doors of opportunities for you. If you don't, pain and failures will dig the hole for you. Change before you are changed. M.L.Narendra K...
A-Z  of Leadership Effective Leader  Appreciates & Builds Confidence Effective Leader Develops Empathy & Forgiveness Effective Leader Guides & Hails Initiatives Effective Leader Judiciously Keeps Learning Effective Leader Motivates & Nurtures Optimism Effective Leader Promotes Quality Religiously Effective Leader Spots Talents  & utilizes. Effective Leader Values Wisdom Effective Leader is Xenial , Youthful & zealous Written By: M.L.Narendra Kumar⁠⁠⁠⁠
Guess who I am-17 I am in plenty I am in every field I am sometimes active, sometimes hidden. Sometimes I sound  sensible, sometimes I sound like a rebel. Sometimes I am spotted, sometimes I am not. Sometimes I am used, sometimes I am misused. Sometimes my master's ego buries me, sometimes others ego ruins me. Some nurture me, some do not. I win trophies, I win medals. I can put an organization in Fortune 500, and a nation in Top 10. I can help people earn money, I can make them a celebrity. I am victimized due to politics and sidelined due to discrimination. I am available in every humans, some identify me and flourish whereas many don't and hence they perish. There is no dearth for me in this Earth. The dearth is the inability to identify me and develop me. I am Talent Recognize me in yourself Recognize me in others Present World requires more Talented people not  to win but to save the planet. Spot me and save y...
Guess who I am-16  You know  you do not know many things in lfe but I will never allow you to agree.  You know relationship is important than enemity but I will never allow you to relate. You know forgiveness can heal self as well as others but I will never allow you to forgive others. You know life is too short for hatredness but still I will not allow you to forget it. You know that you will also make mistakes but I will allow you to admit it. You know that power and position do not last but still I will be instrumental In showing it out. You know wealth is not stable but still I will force you to show it out. I am capable enough to ruin families, friendship, organisation as well as nation. I will never allow you learn or grow. You cannot realize my presence. I am a silent virus good enough to ruin your life. People call me Ego. People who love me are called Egoistic. Introspect, rela...