Traffic Signal and Life
When the instinct tells you to stop, stop. It is better to stop taking decisions or to act on certain things in life when your instinct stops it. Sometimes we need to eliminate from within to avoid burnout outside. Follow the red in you to avoid black days in the future.
Sometimes we need to slow down to ensure we don’t get into future trouble. We cannot keep running in life continuously, we need to slow down to take stock of the situation and pay attention to what is happening around us.
We need to keep proceeding in life, when things are clear it is our day, and we need to keep moving swiftly and steadily to ensure we reach our goal as per our plan. Take advantage of the green signal to have evergreen memories in life
Wait for the people to pass, every human being needs to be given time to reach their destination. Life is not about me and I, it is about us.
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