Secret of a Productive Day
An Employee wanted to know the secret of a productive
day; He decided to learn it from a monk.
Master could you please tell me, what is secret of a productive day?
Start a day with the following questions:
What should I do?
Why should I do it?
How should I do it?
When should I do it?
Who should do it?
Where should I do it?
What will happen if I don’t do it or don't
do it well
Master, why should we ask such questions before we start a day?
Productivity can be achieved when we have the following thoughts in our mind:
Objective for the day
Purpose behind the objective
Methods to do a task
Time and time frame to do a task
Should you do it or delegate it to
Identify the place for doing the task
Identify the impact of doing it well
as well as the consequences of not doing it well
by: M.L.Narendra Kumar
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