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Generalization- A form of Carpet Bombing

 Generalization- A form of Carpet Bombing

Before getting into the article let us define the following words

1. Generalization

2. Carpet Bombing

Generalization: Generalization can also be used to refer to the process of identifying the parts of a whole, as belonging to the whole. The parts, which might be unrelated when left on their own, maybe brought together as a group, hence belonging to the whole by establishing a common relation between them.

However, the parts cannot be generalized into a whole—until a common relation is established among all parts. This does not mean that the parts are unrelated, only that no common relation has been established yet for the generalization.

Carpet Bombing: also known as saturation bombing, is a large area bombardment done in a progressive manner to inflict damage in every part of a selected area of land.  The phrase evokes the image of explosions completely covering an area, in the same way that a carpet covers a floor.  Carpet bombing is usually achieved by dropping many unguided bombs.

The Objective of Writing this article

 Is to understand why we should not generalize and what is the impact of generalization.

Examples of generalizations that happen in our day-to-day life

1. Today's youngsters are not focused

2. Pharma industry is looting the people

3. Doctors are money-minded

4. Police are notorious

5. Businessmen are parasites

6. Politicians are corrupt

7. Cinema industry is irresponsible and the list is endless


I am sure we would have come across such statements, or we would have also made such statements. When we closely reflect on the meaning of generalization, generalization is not the right form of communication, it is nothing but an act of carpet bombing.


Let us go back to the above list once again to understand why generalization is not right


1. Today's youngsters are not focused

 There are youngsters whose focus has changed the way the world functions, there are many technology start-ups which is run by youngsters.


2. Pharma industry is looting the people

There are Pharma companies that are working on reducing the cost of life-saving drugs


3. Doctors are money-minded

We have come across doctors who charge 10 Rupees as consulting fees


4. Police are notorious

 There are police officers who are risking their lives to handle hardcore criminals


5. Businessmen are parasites

We know there are businessmen who are engaged in societal development


6. Politicians are corrupt

We know politicians who are making a difference in their constituency


7. Cinema industry is irresponsible

 We have witnessed movies that have helped us to get motivated


I am sure some of you will be wondering, why I did not give examples from the above list. The reason is, I want you to Google about everyone from the list, you will be surprised to see there are many unsung selfless personalities in every field.


Remember, a generalization is a form of carpet bombing where the good and the noble will also be hurt.


In every field there are good and bad people, let us not condemn the entire field and bring down the value of good people in their respective fields.


M.L. Narendra Kumar













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