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Rose and a Thorn-An Interaction


Rose and a Thorn-An Interaction


Despite my sharpness and hardness, a thorn asked a rose, "How do you grow and look fresh?"

Rose responded, " I don't see you as a hindrance; I see you as my guard who helps me stay for a while."

The Thorn smiled and said, “I never knew I played such an incredible role.

The rose replied both of us have a role play; though we live short, we still have a message to the world.

The Thorn asked, what is the message for the world; the rose replied, in each person, there should be a rose that should bloom every day and add beauty to others' lives. There should also be a thorn in everyone that should be sharp enough to protect oneself from being hurt, ridiculed, and taken for granted.

Let the rose in us bloom to spread happiness, and the Thorn in us be sharp to protect ourselves from hostile forces around us.

M.L. Narendra Kumar





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