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My conversation with a swamiji when I was doing my MBA

I was doing my MBA in a college whose chairman was associated with a spiritual organization and hence he used to invite swamijis to address in the name of guest lecture.We did not have a choice to skip it, but we used to attend such speeches.

In one such sessions a young swamiji was invited to address us. Swamiji started with a question : how many of you believe in God now?

Many hands raised

Next he asked how many of you will believe in God after 50, few hands raised.

Swamiji said " I saw many hands raised for my first question, few raised for my second question but I saw few who never raised for both"

Swamiji added " if I ask how many of you are males I accept males to raise their hands and how many of you are females I expect females to raise their hands, but I saw few who never raised their hand " he gave sarcastic smile and my classmates did join him.

I was one among them who did not raise my hands for both of his questions but I felt insulted and I know he was insulting transgender without even realising Arjuna played the role of a transgender in Mahabharata as Brihannala

My Young blood was boiling and I told  swamiji your question is incomplete. "He asked what do you mean by that"

I said you never asked how many of you don't believe in God at all.

Swamiji with pseudo tolerence asked what , "you don't believe in God?"

I said "I don't."

He gave a unholy smile at my faculty members and he communicated to take care of me

After few minutes I saw one of my faculty members asking me to keep quiet.

I switched off my mind for the rest of the meaningless session which was no way connected to my course.

I recollected this incident and I would like to appeal that Keep Spiritualism and Religion out of education. Let students decide what they should follow, let them explore so that they develop the habit being rational.

I choose what I should believe and what I should I not

M.L.Narendra Kumar


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