If you don't stop Listening
If you don't stop listening to gossips, you will be a subject for gossip in the future
If you don't stop listening to rumours, you will be a victim of rumour
If you don't stop listening to hate speeches, you will start speaking out of hate
If you don't stop listening to negative people, you will be one among them
If you don't stop listening to superstitious thoughts , you will be possessed by fear
If you don't stop listening to biased political views, you will be ruled by ineffective politicians
If you don't stop listening to get rich quick schemes , you will lose what you have
If you don't stop listening to people who blame others, you will also join the blamers gang
If you don't stop listening to Fake Godman, you will land up ruining wealth on unwanted rituals.
Sometimes it is better not to listen to change for a wrong reason
M.L.Narendra Kumar
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