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Laughing - A therapy for well-being


Laughing - A therapy for well-being

An Old Monk was sitting under a tree and laughing alone, a passer-by stopped and started observing the Old Monk for a while, who was profusely laughing.

The passer-by went closer to him and asked, "Why are laughing alone?"

Monk started laughing without answering the question.

The passer-by was annoyed and said "madmen will laugh alone"

The Monk laughed again and replied:

I am not alone, I am living with my beautiful memories, which makes me laugh

When I am alone, I have a choice to either feel guilty about the past, worry about the future, or recollect the happy moments to laugh, but I decided to laugh

Remember, a mad man can laugh without a reason, but the so-called sane people require an external force to make them laugh.

Instead of surrendering yourself to external forces for your happiness, surrender your worries, ego, and guilt to explore the peace and happiness within you

The passer-by smiled at the Monk and said, "I am sorry for hurting you."

The Monk laughed loudly and said "I am the owner of my emotions; no external forces can hurt me"

The passer-by thanked the Monk and left the place with a sense of enlightenment.

We might have 100 reasons to worry, but still, there can be one reason to laugh, recollect the reason for the day and bring the happiness within you

 M.L. Narendra Kumar


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