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Showing posts from September, 2024

Less than a minute lesson -2508 Trouble the Trouble

  Less than a minute lesson -2508 Trouble the Trouble What keeps troubling you must be addressed before it becomes a pain. It is better to encounter it earlier than to perform a postmortem in the final stage. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Let us not get carried away by others' opinion.

  Let us not get carried away by others' opinion. I find it crucial to recognize that the extent to which we allow the opinions of others to influence us can impact our sense of self. By taking the time to thoroughly contemplate these viewpoints before internalizing them, we can safeguard our individuality. It's important to acknowledge that others' opinions are often shaped by their unique perspectives and may not accurately capture the complexities of our identities. Therefore, carefully considering these external viewpoints enables us to make more informed decisions about how they align with our own self-perception. M.L.Narendra Kumar  

Workplace, Pressure and distress

  Workplace, Pressure and distress Workplace pressure can often lead to distress, affecting our professional lives and our personal well-being. It's essential to recognize that distress doesn't simply stem from the pressure experienced during working hours and from carrying work-related discussions into our time. When we consistently engage in conversations about work pressure outside of working hours, it can diminish our ability to enjoy our personal lives fully. It is crucial to understand that we can choose how we engage with others and spend our time. We can centre our lives around discussing and dwelling on work-related pressure, ultimately impacting our overall happiness, or we can prioritize discussions and activities that bring us joy and fulfilment. The decision ultimately rests with each one of us. M.L. Narendra Kumar                              

Less than a minute lesson -2507 Gain in Pain

  Less than a minute lesson -2507 Gain in Pain When we fail to see the gain in the pain, we cannot bear it. Those who see the gain forget the pain. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Self- Development - An investment and not an expense

  Self- Development - An investment and not an expense Self-development is a vital investment in oneself, far from a mere expense. While embarking on the journey of self-improvement may initially appear tedious or burdensome, the long-term benefits make it apparent that the resources dedicated to self-development are indeed a wise investment. This commitment enables individuals to better manage their time, enhance their communication skills, and ultimately lead lives that align with their aspirations. It's essential to recognise that everyone can allocate their time and energy towards baseless rumours or direct it towards self-development. Ultimately, this decision plays a significant role in shaping and defining one's path in life. M.L. Narendra Kumar

Less than a minute lesson -2506 Playing To Your Strengths

  Less than a minute lesson -2506 Playing To Your Strengths In our journey of personal and professional growth, it's often not our weaknesses that hold us back but our failure to leverage our strengths effectively.   When we recognise and cherish our strengths, we are more likely to harness them to propel our progress and meet our goals. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Growing organization is growing people

  Growing organization is growing people An organization's growth is intricately linked to the development of its people. Physical growth encompasses maintaining physical fitness, as the well-known adage "health is wealth" holds for employees. Mental growth refers to nurturing behavioral, skill, and knowledge development, highlighting the significance of mental well-being. Organizations must prioritize their employees' physical and mental wellness through various developmental activities.  Neglecting employee wellness, whether physical or mental, can lead to organizational struggles for survival, impeding the ability to thrive and adversely impacting the nation's productivity. The responsibility of cultivating good citizens doesn't solely rest with educational institutions; it extends to organizations and individuals as well.  Ultimately, the growth and well-being of people within an organization directly contribute to the growth and prosperity of the countr

Collectively Overcoming Weaknesses

  Collectively Overcoming Weaknesses We are often faced with the decision to either critique the weaknesses of others or to dedicate our efforts towards addressing and conquering our shortcomings. It's a common understanding that we all have our own weaknesses. Rather than diminishing others by highlighting their weaknesses, we can join forces and collaborate to improve ourselves. This collective effort will benefit each individual and elevate both parties as we navigate our respective journeys in the future. M.L. Narendra Kumar  

Stop Exploiting the Kind Heart

  Stop Exploiting the Kind Heart   Individuals with kind and compassionate hearts often have a trusting nature, believing in the inherent goodness of others. Sadly, these kind-hearted souls are frequently exploited and taken advantage of. The bitter irony lies in their genuine and trusting nature, which blinds them to this exploitation. While it may be acceptable not to reciprocate their kindness, it is undeniably unjust to exploit their generosity. Engaging in such conduct will inevitably erode the special place they hold in their hearts.   M.L. Narendra Kumar

Less than a minute Lessons-2505 Handling Preferences

  Less than a minute Lessons-2505 Handling Preferences Let's not put undue pressure on others to conform to our wishes. Everyone has unique inclinations and preferences. It's essential to recognise that while some may align with our desires, others may not.  This mutual understanding is crucial for fostering harmonious relationships, as excessive expectations can lead to disappointment when they are not fulfilled. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Less than a minute Lessons-2504 Difficulties and Rewards

  Less than a minute Lessons-2504 Difficulties and Rewards The pain and difficulties of facing challenges and adversities fade once the rewards for enduring those challenges are reaped. Patience acts as the bridge connecting our efforts with the results we eventually achieve. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a minute Lessons-2503 Ground Yourself

    Less than a minute Lessons-2503 Ground Yourself When things don't unfold as planned, it's essential to pause, take a deep breath, and carefully ponder the situation rather than succumbing to panic. Just as our reflection becomes hazy in a fogged-up mirror, our thoughts become muddled when our minds are clouded by anxiety and stress. Before taking action, it's essential to consciously ground yourself, find inner calm, and allow space for clear thinking. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a minute Lessons-2502 Handling Monotony

  Less than a minute Lessons-2502 Handling Monotony When faced with monotony, seeking new experiences and challenges is advantageous instead of fixating on the mundane. Dwelling excessively on a repetitive routine can diminish our enthusiasm for tasks, potentially leading to errors and oversight. Embracing change and progress may prove more beneficial than succumbing to a monotonous existence. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute Lessons-2501 Efforts and Appreciation

  Less than a minute Lessons-2501 Efforts and Appreciation When our efforts are genuine and heartfelt, we will find that people adorn our lives with sincere words of appreciation. These words will come directly from the heart, bringing us even closer to them. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD          

Sales is a T20 Match

  Sales is a T20 Match When we watch a five-day match, we don't tend to see the score very often. When we watch a one-day match, we tend to see the score every over. When we watch a T20 match, we tend to see the score for every ball. Sales is like a T20 match. We need to see our numbers daily and determine if they will help us achieve our monthly target. A compelling score leads us to our target and reveals where we are lacking. How does an effective salesperson achieve their numbers? ·       An effective person doesn't push hard at the month-end; instead, they gently keep achieving daily. ·       They don't wait for a large order; they engage in activities that maintain a regular business flow. ·       They don't focus solely on a few customers seeking orders; instead, they work on converting every prospect into a customer. ·       They don't just suggest new products; they focus on identifying new customers for existing products. ·       They are n

Pack your Bags

  Pack your Bags The more we expose ourselves to new destinations, the more we are enriched and matured by the experiences. Travel is a dynamic university, with each journey providing a unique lesson. As we traverse different cities and regions, we encounter a diverse range of people, cuisines, cultures, and traditions. Some locations are graced with awe-inspiring natural wonders such as majestic mountains, winding rivers, serene lakes, and picturesque islands. Meanwhile, other places showcase the remarkable ingenuity of mankind through awe-inspiring architectural wonders and cutting-edge infrastructure. It's unlikely to find all these elements in a single location, driving home the point that travel is essential for fulfilling our varied desires. Prioritise travel and allocate resources to it, as it is not merely an expense but an investment in lifelong, invaluable experiences. Take the first step by booking your travel, getting your bags ready, and surrendering to the magic o

Sales Target and Three Circles of Life

  Sales Target and Three Circles of Life When sales targets are not met, it's common to attribute the shortfall to external factors and absolve ourselves of responsibility. This pattern of behavior is known as the "Circle of Concern." While external factors do impact sales, it's important to recognize that they are not the sole reason for missing targets. Sometimes, customers commit to orders but fail to follow through due to certain circumstances. In such cases, taking proactive steps, such as meeting the customer in person or reaching out to the second-in-command, is within our control. This falls under the "Circle of Influence"— things that can be influenced but not directly controlled. Developing influencing skills is crucial in sales to ensure targets are met. Internal factors, such as insufficient product knowledge, incomplete market coverage, poor follow-up, inadequate needs analysis, and lack of conviction, also impact sales. This is known as

Blaming- Should we?

  Blaming- Should we? Blaming or making excuses is akin to reaching for painkillers - it provides temporary relief but doesn't address the root issue. Over-reliance on excuses can lead to detrimental outcomes, much like the side effects of painkillers. While blaming or making excuses may offer momentary comfort, it hinders our personal and professional growth in the long run by preventing us from acquiring the necessary skills to excel. Consequently, people may entrust responsibilities to others willing to take charge instead of pointing fingers. When faced with the impulse to blame or make excuses, reflecting on the actions that could have been taken differently to prevent such situations is beneficial. Building a habit of blaming often reflects a comfort-seeking behavior, whereas taking responsibility signifies a readiness to step out of one's comfort zone and delve into the realm of learning and growth. M.L. Narendra Kumar      

Less than a minute Lessons-2500 Milestone

  Less than a minute Lessons-2500 Milestone When you reach each milestone, if you continue to seek further learning and progress, every outcome becomes a new milestone. Embracing a mindset of constant learning turns everything you do into a significant achievement. Stay curious and committed to learning, and success will follow. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD      

Less than a minute Lessons-2499 Social Animal to Tech Animal

  Less than a minute Lessons-2499 Social Animal to Tech Animal In the modern world, our nature as social beings has become intricately intertwined with our increasing dependence on technology. We have transitioned from seeking physical proximity to others to integrating technology into nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Our ability to effectively manage and balance these two fundamental aspects of our existence will profoundly impact the quality of our lives in the future. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD        

Less than a minute Lessons-2498 Thoughts Vs Reality

  Less than a minute Lessons-2498 Thoughts Vs Reality It is common to expect honesty from others, but sometimes, when people provide honest feedback, we distance ourselves from them. Our expectations are often rooted in our thoughts, but when reality doesn't align with our expectations, we feel it deeply in our hearts. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Less than a minute Lessons-2497 Performance Matters

  Less than a minute Lessons-2497 Performance Matters People don't just see our plan; they experience the passion with which we execute it.  It is the performance that ultimately counts. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

The right time to start is now.

  The right time to start is now.   We went to our friend's daughter's wedding. One of our friends was eating some dry fruits and offered some to us, saying they were good for our health. Another friend asked, “What is the use of eating them once and expecting good health?” After discussing the benefits of dry fruits for a while, we changed the topic. When I returned to my room, I reflected upon the statement, "What is the use of eating it once?" As a behavioural trainer, I started thinking about self-development activities and jotted down some related points. Everything starts once and becomes a habit, or we stop doing it. The difference between achievers and those who struggle to achieve is that they make a start and continue what they started. My friend could have continued eating the dry fruits from that day and maintained good health. Similarly, there are instances when friends go out for a vacation, and a fitness enthusiast goes for a morning walk. Those w

Living with you in my mind

  Living with you in my mind You are calm and loving. You are soft and caring. You are pretty and bright, telling me it's our night. You are hot in your looks but warm in your approach. In the dark, your smile was the light, and Your silence was a melody in the night. I thought I had found my dream girl, but I realized you were the reason for my sleepless nights. I have a choice to have sleepless nights or to sleep next to you. I have decided to have sleepless nights because I can keep thinking and writing about you more. My pleasure comes from describing you more than holding your hands. Physical relationships don't last, but mental relationships have no end. I want to live with you mentally rather than physically. M.L. Narendra Kumar

The Meaningless Comparison

  The Meaningless Comparison In a serene forest, a curious mongoose halted before a snail and remarked, "You are too slow." The snail retorted, "You are too fast." Just then, a wise lion interjected, "Your tracks are different. There's no value in comparing yourselves to each other." Acknowledging the lion's wisdom, the tortoise added, "You're absolutely right. The rabbit and I have engaged in races, and we've realised it's more rewarding to focus on our strengths than engage in pointless comparisons. M.L. Narendra Kumar  

Crying and Courage

  Crying and Courage Courage is the ability to confront our innermost emotions with honesty and vulnerability, allowing ourselves the space to shed tears when the situation calls for it. It's not about evoking sadness in others but rather about embracing the rawness of our feelings and finding the strength to express them through tears. Crying, far from a sign of weakness, is a powerful and authentic release of pent-up emotions, demonstrating our willingness to confront and process our inner struggles. M.L. Narendra Kumar

Mobile Chargers and Critical Thinking

  Mobile Chargers and Critical Thinking When reflecting on the evolution of travel reminders, I was struck by a poignant contrast. In the past, our family members would remind us to ensure we had our tickets before travelling. However, during a recent journey from Bangalore to Chennai, my relatives emphasised the importance of carrying my mobile charger. This shift reflects the indispensable role of mobile devices in our lives today. Mobile phones are the cornerstone of our daily activities, serving as our travel tickets, boarding passes, payment tools, and source of vital OTPs. Their pervasive use necessitates frequent charging to ensure uninterrupted functionality. A poignant parallel can be drawn between the need to keep our mobile devices charged and the state of our minds in today's world. Just as our phones require charging, our minds must be "charged" with critical thinking to navigate the deluge of information, misinformation, and bias. We must cultivate the