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                                                                   Q&A with a monk

There were people from various walk of life gathered to listen to a speech of a monk.

The monk remind silent for nearly 20 minutes, one person from the audience stood up and said " Guruji, we have come to listen to you"

Monk said " when I do not know what you want to listen, then what speech can I give"

There was a silence for a while.

Monk said " ok " let me give you 2 options:

1. Listen to what I want to convey
2. Listen to what you want to listen

If I do the first one you might hear what I say. If do the second, you will start asking questions. Which one do you prefer.

Audience were talking to themselves and finally decided to ask questions.

One of the person stood and asked Guruji can you answer all our questions.

Monk said " are you doubting my ability?

He said " no Guruji"

Monk said " You will question only when you have a doubt"

He said I am sorry

Monk said " I am ready for Q&A

A junior executive stood and asked Guruji ' my boss is very demanding, doubtful and critical. How do I handle him?

Monk " if it is raining can you do something to stop the rain?

JE- No

Monk " if it is hot can you do something to stop the heat?

JE- No

Monk : Remember when somebody is demanding , they are pushing you an extra mile, every extra mile helps you realize who are you.

Remember when somebody is doubtful, they are still not confident on you.

Remember when somebody is critical they are pushing you to think what you didn't think

Instead of changing your boss, look inside to see how you can develop skills and knowledge to handle your boss. None of in this world have rights to change others.

Monk " how many of you had a similar question in your mind.

Almost everybody raised their hand.

Monk " next question please

Husband " I am not able to understand my wife? What should I do to understand her?

Monk " Never try to understand your wife. Help your wife to understand you"

Your wife is not a subject to understand , she is somebody's daughter who has decided to be with you forever, never try to understand sacrifices. Respect it.

A lady stood up

Monk asked " what is your question?

She said " now I can understand my husband. You have answered my question.

Manager " My team is not co-operating with me"

Monk " when people don't co-operate, why should you call them team, they are just a group.

Monk " instead of asking what they should do, ask what should You should do"

Manager " Guruji what should I do?

Guruji " Ask your group" they will give you feedback instead of ideas.sometimes feedback are better than ideas.

Wife " my husband is 40 and he is naughty . He is getting attracted towards other women, I don't want to lose him"

Monk " sweet sixteen and naughty 40 are cycle of life, men are men, if wives don't remain as young girls.

Father " my son is not focused"

Monk " you are not your son, what is focus to you need not be focus to your son, what is focus to your son need not be focus to you"

Mother " my daughter is in love with a boy whom I don't like" I don't want her to continue.

Monk " your daughter has selected a husband not a son-in law, if you think your daughter's selection is important respect it, because it is her life.

A young son " my parents don't spend time with me, what should I do?

Monk " when your parents invest their time on investing  for your future, why are you worried about spending time in present.

Businessman " I lost money in my business" I am not able to come out of it.

Monk " if you lose hope you cannot come out of it, if you feel your hope is alive, forget your loss.

Very elderly person  with great difficulty stood up and asked " I want to die peacefully, what should I do?

Monk " if  you ask what should you do, that's an indication you are not going to be what you want to be,  in such situation  how can  you appreciate peace.

The monk  said " when you are hungry you eat, or else you taste.

The reason I wanted you to ask questions was to feed those who are hungry.

The audience started clapping and the monk closed his eyes and after sometime he said " Keep questioning your life, You will get answers".


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