In whose
Vegetables in the hands of culinary
expert can be converted into an art piece or in the hands of a chef can be made
into salad
Sand in the hands of sculpture can be
converted into sand castle or in the hands of Mason can be used for
Cloth in the hands of a painter can
be converted into a painting or in the hands of tailor can be stitched into a
Gold in the hands of a Goldsmith can
be converted into a Jewellery or in the hands of an investor can be used to
Bamboo in the hands of a flute maker
can be converted into a flute or in the hands of a basket maker can be
converted into a basket
Water in the hands of cook can be
used for cooking or in the hands of Gardner can be used for gardening
A Pen in the hands of teacher can be
used to correct an answer sheet or in the hands of a journalist can be used to
correct the society
A Paper in the hands of a writer can
be converted into a story or in the hands of Origamist can be made into an
A plain land in hands of farmer can
be converted into a farm land or in the hands of builder can be developed into
a housing project.
Everything in this world has a
purpose, it depends upon whose hands it is. Similarly, every one of us capable
to achieve, it depends upon with whom do we associate.
your outcome before you decide with whom you should associate
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