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Parable of a Plumber

In a big city lived an old plumber who was known for his quality of work and his promptness, he was assisted by two junior plumbers. The old plumber believed in the philosophy of developing people and he was open enough to teach his Juniors and he was able to scale-up and serve many households.

The old plumber was sick and day by day his health was deteriorating. One day he made up his mind to retire and called his Juniors to announce his retirement. He also requested both of them to work together and retain the business that he had built.

Junior A agreed to what he said but Junior B did not agree wholeheartedly, after few weeks the Senior Plumber passed away.

After completing few assignment together both the Juniors decided to part  to run their own plumbing services, years passed and they  both were comfortable in their own ways.

The city's landscape was changing in terms of old individual houses being replaced with apartments, emerging commercial complexes, office complexes and above all plumbing was reaching new heights.

Junior A was able to understand that his business was slowing down and he was able to see a change in contractors requirements. He felt the need to develop more people and hence he inducted them for regular maintenance.

His efforts started giving him better results, whereas Junior B was sticking on with his few old customers, small time contractors and was not bothered to develop people.

Junior A was able to figure out that his skills were becoming irrelevant and he started associating with people who were using new tools and methods, He didn't stop with the learning, he started sharing his knowledge with his Juniors. Time passed by, few of his subordinates were sent to projects that demanded better skill sets, whereas Junior B was getting ignored by his own customers.
Junior A was seeing new heights in business but Junior B was seeing downfall, after few months, B met A and was asking for work.
  Is there a Junior -B in us?
  • Who is not interested in collaborating?
  •  Who doesn't sense changes?
  •  Who doesn't develop a team?
  •  Who doesn't learn new skills?
Is there a Junior -A in us?
  • Who would like to collaborate?
  • Who senses changes?
  •   Who would like develops people?
  •   Who would like to learn new skills? 
People talk about change management, but are they really changing?
People talk about technology but are they really learning it?
·         Are we Developing people?
·         Are we working towards future?

It is better to stop the leaks in our pipes rather than talking about others leaking pipes.
It is better to walk on our own terrace to examine the rusted pipes rather than comment about our neighbour’s rusted pipe.

 M.L.Narendra Kumar


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