Question and Answer with a Monk
One-word Answer
D: What
should I change to improve my life?
M- Attitude
D: What
should I change to increase my positivity?
M- Belief
D: What
should I do prove myself?
M- Communicate
D: What
should I possess to overcome failures?
M- Determination
D: What
should I do to understand others
M- Empathise
D: What
should I do succeed?
M- Fail
D: What
should I possess to stay focused
M- Goal
D: What
should I change to be more disciplined in life?
M- Habit
D: What
should I possess to be more creative?
M- Ideas
D: What
should I avoid, while building a relationship with people?
M- Judgements
D: What
should I seek more in life?
M- Knowledge
D: What
is more important in life?
M- Love
D: What
should I do, when I lose my hope?
M- Motivate
D: Who
should be my best companion, when I am disturbed?
M- Nature
D: What
should I take to be more responsible in my life?
M- Ownership
D: What
should be my ultimate objective in life?
M- Peace
D: What should I strive for?
M- Quality
D: What
is the first thing, I should do to overcome my weakness?
M- Realise
D: What
is the best way to use my earnings?
M- Savings
D: How
to win the trust of others?
M- Trust
D: What
should I do, when others criticise me
M- Understand
D: What
should I do, to take care of my Health?
M- Value
D: What
should I seek from others?
M- Wisdom
D: How to
be friendly with strangers?
M- Xenial
D: Who
is important in life?
M- Yourself
D: What
quality should I possess to be happy?
M- Zealous
Narendra Kumar
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