am migrant worker, not because I love to be one, since there are no jobs to buy
my bun
I am migrant worker, not because I want to earn crores, I don’t want my family to be on roads
I am migrant worker, not because I love to travel, I don’t want to take anyone’s favour
I am migrant worker, not because I am a loser, I never got a chance to play
I am migrant worker, not because of my fate, it is because of the big cats who rule my state
I am migrant worker, not because of my choice, it is because I never had a chance
I am migrant worker, not because of my greed, it is because of my need
I am migrant worker, not because of my mistake, it is because of my politician’s blunders
I am migrant worker, not because of me, it is because of them-who don’t care other than them
If a state is not able to generate a job to help its people to earn their livelihood, that’s the proof of inefficiency and a poor economic policy. Mistakes can be forgiven, but not the crime of keeping its people illiterate and ignorant forever.
Such politicians should be treated
for their mental illness and punished for their sadist nature
M.L. Narendra Kumar
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