Leadership Lessons through 6 Tastes-Part-5
Source of Bitter: Bitter Guard, Turmeric, Cumin etc.
Source of Leadership Communication: Communicating failures, mistakes, warning etc
Primary Action of bitter: Stimulates the nervous system, reduces fat, reduces bone marrow, inhibits sexual energy, is antipyretic (reduces fever), anti-inflammatory etc.The bitter taste even enhances the release of digestive secretions and digestive enzymes.
Primary Action of bitter Communication: An effective leader should communicate mistakes, should warn a person if things are going against the value system, policies and procedures. Identify behaviors that disruptive to self and organization.
Excess of Bitter: If overused, the bitter taste can induce nausea, weaken the kidneys and the lungs
Excess of bitter Communication: Excess bitter communication can lead to hate and conflicts
Written By: M.L.Narendra Kumar
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