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Deepavali - A Festival That Rekindles Our Childhood Memories

Part-1-Our Innovative Rocket 
During my childhood days I was so excited to celebrate Deepavali Festival, those days the spirit of the festival was felt much earlier and we used to buy  small crackers like Bijli, Sparrow crackers etc, before the festival.

Friends used to sit and discuss about crackers which we were planning to buy and whenever we used to cross a colourful cracker shop, we stand and stare at those glossy crackers and imagine ourselves buying the shop. During the dinner, I used to talk about some new arrivals and insist my father to buy those crackers and ask for some trendy clothes too.
Here are some of my memories that linger in my mind about my childhood Deepavali days.

Innovative Rockets: Rockets were one of my favourite crackers during my childhood, which my father did not like it and he also felt it was dangerous for children, however as a child we find ways and means to get it. Rockets was sold in packets and hence getting it in small quantity was difficult. My friend and I used to buy some small, quantity crackers before the festival and one day we decided to buy an assorted cartoon snake cracker, which crawls when we burn it, this is used it as a night cracker and it was exciting to see the way it moves. We both got an idea and we decided to remove the snake shape and tie the main cracker to the edge of the broom stick so that it looks like a rocket

We were so excited to see our first innovative rocket being launched, we placed the cracker in the bottle to light it and as soon as we did, we moved back to see how it will take off, to our surprise it was a failure, our rocket did not take off. We went closer to see what has happened and after carefully examining whether there some fire, we removed it from the bottle to understand why it was a failure, after discussion, we found that the  broom stick was heavy in the bottom and cracker did not have the power to pull it up. We were discussing like some rocket scientist and we picked up a new stick and remove the cracker from the snake and tied to the heavier side of the stick and tried it for the second time and we were happy to see our rocket launching into the sky, though it did not go too far, but it was looking like our regular rocket.

We both were happy about our innovation and decided to follow the same method to make our own rockets for our Deepavali

Read our story on Innovative bomb, rocket -Part-2-on 26th October 

M.L.Narendra Kumar


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