The Bucket Jim is in his mid-60s, he comes across a person who was his similar age and he said “Hi, I am Victor” Jim said “Hi, Victor I am Jim, Nice to meet you” Jim asked Victor, “have we met before?” Victor said “No” Victor said “Jim, can I ask you some questions?” Jim with hesitation asked “are you from Tax Department” Victor with a smile said “no I am not, I am just an ordinary person Jim said “Victor, hope your questions are not going to be like the trigonometry papers” Victor said “I was not a Maths teacher" Jim said “ neither I was” Victor: “Jim is there something that you feel you have not fulfilled in your life” Jim said “Oh, yeah I have a bucket list, which I should complete, before I kick the bucket” Victor: “what is there in your list” Jim said: • I need to do some terrace cropping • I need to visit my birth place • I need to play chess with my grandson • I need to publish my book • I need to complete writing a book which ha...