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Bosses are busy in pushing their ideas, whereas a Leaders prepares for brainstorming

Let’s understand the context behind which the above difference has been derived. When I say “Bosses are busy in pushing their ideas” I mean they take an autocratic stand and ensure that subordinates follow their orders, whereas, When I say “Leaders prepares for brainstorming” they involve their team in idea generation and work together with a common goal.

Bosses are concerned about their importance and hence they push the ideas downwards, whereas Leader believes in collective wisdom and hence encourages ideas from the bottom.

When ideas are pushed, the subordinates see it as a task & hence their involvement is less, whereas when their ideas are accepted, they develop a sense of ownership to work towards it

Sometimes bosses perceive the subordinates with more ideas as a threat and hence they stop involving them in crucial meetings, whereas Leaders perceives subordinates with ideas as think tank and hence engage them in crucial meetings 

Since bosses are interested in self, they would like to showcase their ideas whereas Leaders are committed towards their Teams’ Growth, hence they showcase their subordinate’s ideas.

Under Bosses the Team members remain dormant and they don’t come forward to share their idea due to either fear of rejection or lack of recognition, whereas Under Leaders, Ideas flow because subordinates are assured either their ideas will be accepted or their efforts to generate ideas will be appreciated.

Ideas determines the future of the organisation, if there are bosses the future is dark, if there are Leaders, they are ready for the future

Ask yourself the following questions

1.   Do you think idea generation is time consuming process?
2.   Do you involve your team in generating ideas?
3.   Do you think it is better to have collective ideas?
4.   Do you directly share your ideas to the top management?
5.   Do you push your ideas downwards?
6.   Do you give due credits to your team members ideas?
 Leadership is Unlocking people’s Potential to become better
Bill Bradley 
M.L.Narendra Kumar


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