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End and Continue

  End and Continue   Let the year end, but not the learning. Let the year end, but not the good memories. Let the year end, but not the hunger to grow year after year. Let the year end, but not the determination to bounce back. Let the year end, but not the willingness to help others. Let the year end, but not the willingness to correct yourself. Let the year end, but not the passion for performance Let the year end, but not the spirit stay young. Let the year-end, but not the need to remain humble. Let the year end but let us continue with what keeps us going.   M.L. Narendra Kumar    

Less than a minute lesson-1877

  Less than a minute lesson-1877 Coming to terms .      If you don't come to terms with yourself, you can never come to terms with others.    Well managed internal conflict will help is managing the external conflict effectively M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD


  SPELL How well you sell depends upon how well you SPELL S peak to express to impress P robe to serve the need E mpathise to solve the problem L earn to stay relevant L ove what you do When you SPELL , customers will spell out their needs effectively M.L. Narendra Kumar

The Leader in a Manager

  The Leader in a Manager   If a manager holds himself accountable when he has delegated, there is a Leader in him.   If a manager takes ownership of the delegated task, there is a Leader in him.   If a manager takes the initiative and works towards completing the same, there is a leader in him.   If a manager balances the task and the people, there is a leader in him.   If a manager is passionate about the company's vision and the subordinate goals, there is a leader in him.   If a manager can convert negative feedback into a coaching model, there is a leader in him.   If a manager can help subordinates find their purpose, there is a leader in them.   If a manager can involve the people in decision-making, there is a leader in him.   If a manager can give way for his subordinates to grow up the ladder, there is a leader in him.   A Leader in a manager will come out when the finest human in a ...

Experience the Extremes

Experience the Extremes Twists and turns Twists and turns Not only on the roads It is in our life too   Ups and downs Ups and downs Not only on the hills It is there in our progress too   Joy and sorrow Joy and sorrow Not only on the silver screen It is there in our relationship too   Winning and losing Winning and losing Not only in the games we play It is there in our business too   Sweet and bitter Sweet and bitter Not only in the food we eat It is there in the words we use too   Good and evil Good and evil Not only in the novels we read It is there within us too   Battles and ceasefire Battles and ceasefire Not only between the nation's It is also between our neighbours too   Love and hate Love and hate Not only in the romantic film It is there in our love life too   Safe and risk Safe and risk Not only in the adventure sports It is also there in the decision...


Ctrl-Alt-Delete Ctrl-Alt-Delete. a combination of three keys on a PC keyboard, usually labelled Ctrl, Alt, and Delete, held down simultaneously to close an application that is not responding, reboot the computer, and log in. In life, we need to control our temptations, find alternative habits, and delete unwanted thoughts to reboot our life. Remember, our life is in our control, and we can generate alternative thoughts and delete unwanted thoughts. M.L.Narendra Kumar      

Less than a minute lesson-1876 Wrong is not wrong

  Less than a minute lesson-1876 Wrong is not wrong There is nothing wrong in being wrong, but if you don't want to accept you are wrong, that is wrong. Be strong when you accept you are wrong M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute lesson-1875 Ego Vs. Humbleness

  Less than a minute lesson-1875 Ego Vs. Humbleness Don't go where your ego takes you; go where your humbleness takes you. You will remain on the path to success. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Less than a minute lesson-1874 Pride Vs Humility

  Less than a minute lesson-1874 Pride Vs Humility Pride said it is time to celebrate the success; humility said it is time to prepare for the next match. Success lives where humility lives. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD      

Less than a minute lesson-1873 Confidence-Vaccine for Life

  Less than a minute lesson-1873 Confidence-Vaccine for Life Some are infected with worries, whereas some are vaccinated with confidence. Where there is confidence there is no place for unwanted worries or fear. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute lesson-1872 Breakthrough

  Less than a minute lesson-1872 Breakthrough Breakthroughs will happen if you don't break down. If you keep exploring more with grit and passion, you can experience many breakthrough moments in life. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Less than a minute lesson-1871 Uniqueness

  Less than a minute lesson-1871 Uniqueness Your uniqueness is either buried under your worries or by comparison. To discover your uniqueness, use your present to explore yourself rather than worry or compare yourself with others. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Life becomes Meaningful

  Life becomes Meaningful When you are M otivated from within When you E liminate unwanted thoughts When you are A ware of your strengths & weaknesses When you are N ot carried away by other's comments When you take I nitiative to improve yourself When your N eeds take the front seat and not your wants  When you G ive more than you get When you F orget and Forgive When you U nderstand others When you L ove yourself   Do not ask, what is the meaning of life; give a meaning to it. M.L. Narendra Kumar      

Less than a minute lesson-1870 Empathy

  Less than a minute lesson-1870 Empathy Empathy is not just a word; it is a book by itself. In life, many problems can be solved with empathy, issues can be settled and of course, wars can be prevented. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Less than a minute lesson-1869 Trust

  Less than a minute lesson-1869 Trust Before winning the heart, win the trust. Trust determines the strength of the relationship M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute lesson-1868 Respect

  Less than a minute lesson-1868 Respect Before earning money, earn respect.   With respect comes everything M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Quality Determines

  Quality Determines   The quality of our food determines our physical well-being. The quality of our thought determines our mental well-being. The quality of our conversation determines our relationship. The quality of the books we read determines our character. The quality of the investment we make determines our wealth. The quality of our plan determines our output. The quality of the work we do determines our performance. The quality of the media you use determines your biases. The quality of our competitors determines our competitiveness.   Quality is not just a word; it is an attitude towards self and others. When you work on your attitude; you will also work on your quality.   M.L. Narendra Kumar  

Less than a minute lesson-1867 Earning Money

  Less than a minute lesson-1867 Earning Money While earning money, don't burn your health and stain the relationship. Remember, there is no use of money after you lose your health and losing the people around you. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD  

Less than a minute lesson-1866 Correcting self

  Less than a minute lesson-1866 Correcting self        There is more to looking inside yourself than to pepping into other's life. Correcting self is extremely important than gossiping about others M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Handling other person’s mistakes

  Handling other person’s mistakes When a person has committed a mistake: Listening to his views is more important than pushing your views. Correcting him is more important than criticising. Giving him a next chance is more important than rejecting Speaking to him is more important than talking about him. Reinforcing what is right with him is more important than pinpointing what is wrong. Forgiving him is more important than scolding. Working with him is more important than working against him. Changing your attitude towards mistakes is more important than finding fault with his attitude.   Helping him overcome his mistake is more important than warning him. Those who work are those who make mistakes; it is better to recognise a mistake as an outcome of work rather than naming it as a blunder. Remember, those who accept their mistake needs to be respected and not ignored or punished. M.L.Narendra Kumar        

Your ice cream is melting- Living in the Present.

  Your ice cream is melting- Living in the Present. There can be many incidents of the past that might disturb your present, but one good reason to cherish it is, you are living in the present and not in the past. There can be many worries about the future that might disturb your present, but one good reason to cherish it is, what you do in the present will determine your future. The present is like ice cream; eat it before it melts. M.L. Narendra Kumar

Less than a minute lesson-1865 Knowledge

  Less than a minute lesson-1865 Knowledge Gained knowledge is a saving, whereas applied knowledge is an investment. The fruit of the knowledge can be enjoyed only when it is applied M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD