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Showing posts from July, 2024

Need for Documentation & Professionalism for Entrepreneurs

  Need for Documentation & Professionalism for Entrepreneurs As I engage with small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, I often encounter a recurring query: "Given that we are not a large company, does it truly necessitate having well-defined processes, manuals, and other documentation akin to multinational corporations? We operate with a small team, so is it essential?" Although I have addressed this question verbally in the past, I have never documented my response. Hence, I have decided to articulate my usual reply for future reference during my interactions with entrepreneurs. 1. Small becomes Large : Every successful corporation started small before ascending to great heights. Therefore, it's crucial not to assume that we will perpetually remain a small entity. 2. Process defines the Business : The need for robust processes transcends the scale of the organization. Even independent consultants or service providers can establish and adhere to effective processes

Lesson than a minute Lesson-2433 When the student and the Teacher are Ready

  Lesson than a minute Lesson-2433 When the student and the Teacher are Ready When a student is eager to learn, and the teacher is enthusiastic about teaching, all they need is a quiet place to sit. Learning is a dynamic process that occurs through open discussion and active engagement between students and teachers. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD      

Lesson than a minute Lesson-2432 Don’t allow others to dictate.

  Lesson than a minute Lesson-2432 Don’t allow others to dictate. Happiness should not be dictated by the expectations and desires of others. It is crucial to prioritize your aspirations and ambitions and strive to become the individual you truly want to be. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    


  Mismatch It is common to find candidates who initially appear very promising during the hiring process due to their exceptional communication skills, polished appearance, and strong preparedness. However, despite these initial impressions, the same person may not always deliver the desired results once employed. It is imperative to carefully evaluate individuals before recommending them for a personal improvement plan. Additionally, assessing your ability to ask the right questions in these situations is essential. Given the high costs associated with hiring and training, investing in developing a comprehensive and robust interview process is crucial to make informed hiring decisions and optimise the training process. M.L. Narendra Kumar                          

Lesson than a minute Lesson-2431 Nature is a teacher.

  Lesson than a minute Lesson-2431 Nature is a teacher. By nature, if you're a continuous learner, nature will become your eternal teacher. Remember, a day not spent learning something new is a day wasted. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD

Over the Top

  Over the Top Attaining the top position in any endeavor shouldn't be viewed as the ultimate goal; rather, the primary objective should be to sustain and maintain that position once it's achieved effectively. Whether it pertains to securing a promotion or expanding market share, more than simply reaching the top is needed. It's imperative to have a well-thought-out strategy, backed by the requisite reserves and skills, to ensure that the attained position can be sustained. History is rife with examples of individuals and companies achieving great heights only to experience significant decline. To avoid such pitfalls, planning and possessing the necessary skills is crucial to remain at the top.   In the context of life and business, the concept of "oxygen" can be likened to the essential qualities needed to thrive at the summit. Simply reaching the top does not signify the end of the journey; rather, it marks the beginning of new responsibilities and challen

The Power of Process in Business.

  The Power of Process in Business. Defining processes effectively and adhering to them is crucial for achieving desired results in our business. Despite our best efforts, there may be instances where the desired results are not achieved. However, identifying these gaps becomes easier with a well-defined process. Such a process facilitates step-by-step adherence and aids in problem definition and root cause identification. As an entrepreneur, it is important to pinpoint which aspects of your business lack these well-defined processes and take steps to develop them, thereby enhancing your business operations. A Visible Success has an invisible process behind it M.L. Narendra Kumar  

Lesson than a minute Lesson-2430 Wisdom to Differentiate Wants and Needs

  Lesson than a minute Lesson-2430 Wisdom to Differentiate Wants and Needs Understanding the distinction between want and need signifies an individual's level of knowledge. However, exercising the ability to distinguish between wants and needs and allocating resources towards fulfilling our needs demonstrates wisdom.   It is essential to grasp and integrate this difference into our decision-making processes to lead a wise and balanced life. M.L. Narendra Kumar Director Instivate Learning Solutions PVT LTD    

Achieving proficiency in operation and Consistent Results

  Achieving proficiency in operation and Consistent Results It is imperative for any business to focus on achieving the following key objectives: 1. Minimizing Costs 2. Minimizing Efforts 3. Achieving Desired Results   By successfully attaining these objectives, businesses can significantly boost profit margins, ensure optimal manpower utilisation without causing undue stress, and increase overall sales.  This enhances the company's financial health and fosters a positive work environment.  Companies need to maintain a continual vigilance over costs, efforts, and results. This facilitates better control over the business processes and enables timely corrective actions, thereby preventing losses, reducing employee turnover, and improving sales performance.   To accomplish the objectives mentioned above, it is crucial to ensure that Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) consider these three factors based on employees’ specific roles. Emphasising the words of Peter Drucker, “w