Guess who I am?
I spread faster, faster than the disease
I spread through social media
Did you guess, I am a rumour?
hold on, you are
partially right
I can be edited and exaggerated
I might sound like an intellectual, but I need to be
I can create panic
I can make people fearful
Are you confused about who I am?
Okay, let me introduce myself:
“My name is infodemic”
I am a portmanteau, born to Information and Epidemic
I am good in the hand of experts
I become notorious in the hand’s mongers
I am dangerous than the epidemic when I am unverified
The epidemic has a vaccine, but no vaccine can prevent me
I can be prevented when you are critical and rational
I can be stopped when you stop forwarding me
Stop using me as a source of knowledge
Stop using me for your self-medication
Medical professionals can give you the right information,
count on them
Epidemic stops
spreading when unverified information is stopped from being forwarded
M.L. Narendra Kumar
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