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Monk who made a Difference

A monk was sitting on a sea shore, he saw a disturbed young man moving closer to the waves and found something fishy and moved towards the young man. The monk grabbed him and pulled him towards him.

Though the young man resisted, the monk brought him back to the shore. The young man with a dejected tone said " Why did you save me?"

Monk replied: Did you attempt a suicide?

Young man said” yes, I did"

Monk:  said "Saving a life should be our nature but not committing suicide"

Young Man said "is it not my life, don't I have rights over my life" 

Monk said "you do have rights over your life, but I don't want to debate on that"

My dear Young Man” Life is yours but birth was your mother's choice, despite of pain she decided to bring you safely to this Earth, but do remember she doesn't have the rights to kill you"

Young man “Life is not fair"

·         "Young Man Life cannot be defined with few words, it is a journey to be Experienced"

·         "Young man I don't know what is your problem, but remember suicide is not a Solution"

·         "Young man I don't know whether you are fighting death, but remember, don't invite death before it invites you"

Monk "Young man remember, we require courage to commit suicide, but if you contemplate courage and use it to face life”

·         you will be an icon in your field

·         you will a role model 

·         You will an inspiration

·         You will a subject of discussion in various Training programs on the subject of self- Development

Young man " I was courageous to die, but now let me be courageous to live"

Monk smiled and started walking forward

Young man- Can I know your good name?

Monk said- whatever is your name is my name

Young man was puzzled

Monk spotted one more person moving towards the sea & started rushing towards him.

Yesterday's individuals who faced failures run today's empire. It takes long time to build an empire & less time to build a tomb. Build empires, let your grandchildren build your tomb

M.L.Narendra Kumar


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