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Irrational vs Rational

Mother: god has been grateful, your grandfather is out of danger

Son: Mummy, is it not the Doctor who did the surgery? Are you not supposed to thank the Doctor?

Mother: Don't talk like that.

Son starred at his mother for a while and left the room.

After few months the grandfather died

Mother: Doctor should have done a better Diagnosis

Son: Was God on a holiday this time, when grandpa was admitted in the hospital?

Mother: This is too much, this is not the way you should talk

Son: Mummy you are absolutely irrational, first time when doctor saved the life you gave credit to your god, now you are cursing the doctor. This is not fair

Mother: god will punish you

Son: If he exists let him do that

When terrorist killed children in the name of god, he did not punish them.

When priests sexually assaulted children in the place of worship, he did not punish them

When politicians use him to divide people, he did not punish them.

“Now you tell me, What crime have I committed to be punished? Mummy think before you talk”

Mother was stunned for a while

After few months

Father came on a vacation and placed a bounded holy book on the table in front of the family and said we should take rounds to read this and live by the words of god.

Son turned towards his mother, she asked her husband - Will this book teach us how to think rationally?

Husband: How dare you question the words of the god.

She smiled and said " if religion cannot reduce anger and if your god cannot punish the wrong doers, why should we follow this irrational man-made stuff"

Husband: "why are behaving like this?"

Wife: you should ask, why I didn't behave like this?

Husband was silent

Mother & son placed a book written by Richard Dawkins - God the Delusion

M.L. Narendra Kumar


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