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Past, Present and Future

Past, Present and Future

A science Fiction on Self-Development

3 Friends Namely Peter, Arun and Rajah went on a trekking to jungle and they were engrossed with beauty of flora and fauna. Later they realized that they need to go back to their tent and they found it difficult to identify their way back.

All the three came closer when one of them was holding the map in the hand and they were trying to find the direction. During their discussion, they heard someone calling them and saw an old man, with hesitation they went closer to him and the old man asked “Can I help you?

Peter said “we lost our way and we would like to go back to our tent”

The old man probed to understand from where they started and was able to figure out their place. The old man said “it is too far to go back, I would suggest you stay with me tonight and I will accompany with you tomorrow morning.

All the three saw each other and decided to go with the old man.

They reached a wooden house and the old man opened the door and all of them went into the house, all the three were just seeing the décor, paintings and were stunned to see volumes of books.

Arun asked the old man “sir who are and what do you do here?”

Old man introduced himself as Wisdom and he said is here to gain & spread wisdom.

Mr. Wisdom offered some eatables and started chatting with the all three. After a prolonged chat Mr. Wisdom said “would guys like to see an amazing product?

Rajah asked “what is it all about? Mr. Wisdom said “come with me” and took them into a basement and opened the room, all the three saw a machine which looked like a vehicle.

They went closer, they started going around the machine and started touching it. Arun asked could tell us something about this machine

Mr. Wisdom: this is called a Time Machine.

Arun: “What does this machine do?”

Mr. Wisdom: it can take you to the past as well as take you to future.

Mr. Wisdom: who would like to try it?

Arun: I would like to try it?

Rajah: Arun do you believe in this?

Arun: I have heard about this and seen it in movies

Peter: Is there any danger involved in it?

Mr. Wisdom: it’s just an experience

Peter: Have you tried it Mr. Wisdom?

Mr. Wisdom: Yes.

Arun: I’m ready

Mr. Wisdom prepares the machine for the journey and asks Arun “would you like to go the past or the future?

Arun: I would like to go back and visit my school days

Mr. Wisdom: any specific years

Arun: I would like to go back to my 11th and 12th standards years and tells the year. Mr. Wisdom enters the numbers and lights glow in the machine within 10 seconds Arun is disappeared.

Peter: Mr. Wisdom what happened to Arun

Mr. Wisdom: he will back after an hour

Rajah and Peter stare at each other and they climb the stairs. After sometime they both go to the basement and stand next to Mr. Wisdom.

After few minutes they hear a noise and see the time machine settling down in the place where it was. They go closer and time machine stops. Once the light stops glowing they are able to see Arun.

Arun gets up from the time machine and tells “it was stunning”

Mr. Wisdom: can we go to the lawn outside & understand Arun’s Experience

Arun: I would like to share it

They all walk towards the lawn.

Mr. Wisdom- Arun tells me what you saw and what did you experience

Arun starts his description

  • ·         I walked into my school and recollected those wonderful moments.
  • ·         I saw me sitting in the desk and having fun with my friends
  • ·         I saw me winning prizes and awards
  • ·         I also saw me being punished for my mischievous behaviour

Arun pauses for a while and his eyes starts watering, with a choked voice he tries to tell something but he starts crying profusely for a while.

Peter tries to ask Arun, at that time Mr. Wisdom stops peter and waits for Arun to settle down.

Arun: I can’t forget the day when I lost my father in an accident and I was witnessing how I was crying and saw my mother keeping her head on the coffin box. That’s the moment I realised that I need to come back to present and there stopped my journey into past.

Mr. Wisdom: there is a time machine inside everyone us; we travel to our past to cherish some happy moments. We all know that life is mixture of happy and unhappy moments, but certain unhappy moments of past disturb our present and it becomes difficult to come out of it as result of this people become stressful and lose their sense of purpose.

Peter: Mr. Wisdom, is it wrong to think about past?

Mr. Wisdom: It is not a question of whether it is right or wrong, it’s about how long can we stay in the past.

We saw Arun, how long did his happy moments last in his discussion?

And we also saw what happened to his present when he narrated about his father’s death? He couldn’t speak and he lost himself.

Remember this is the power of going back to past. Let past be your teacher but don’t be a slave of your past.

All the three sees each other and Arun tells: he is right.

Rajah: Mr. Wisdom, what will happen if we take the time machine to the future?

Mr. Wisdom- Try it

Rajah hesitates but Mr. Wisdom tells “experience it” and all of them walk towards the machine.

Rajah sits in the machine and it disappears, in the meantime all the three goes to the lawn after few minutes they go back to the basement & waits for a while.

It’s more than an hour and time machine didn’t appear.

Peter: When Arun went into the machine, it didn’t take such a long time

Mr. Wisdom: Don’t worry, future is Unknown and it will take some time

By the time he finishes his statement the time machine appears & after few minutes Rajah walks out of the machine with excitement.

Mr. Wisdom: Rajah, How was your journey to the future?

Rajah: Can we go the lawn and discuss?

They all assemble in the lawn

Rajah starts the description

·         I went to the future, but I didn’t see me there, I saw people, I saw machines etc.
·         I went into a restaurant I couldn’t figure out, what to eat
·         I went into mall, I didn’t see people working in counters but customers were purchasing using some devices
·         I just took my mobile in my hand and saw people coming towards me seeing my mobile they were so excited and said it’s an antique.
·         I just wanted to travel and I asked a person for help. He asked me don’t you have device to book a cab, I just showed my phone, he laughed and said, this is absolutely outdated. However he was kind enough to book a cab. As I entered the cab I didn’t understand how to navigate and the cab said sorry and left the place.
·         As I moved forward I saw things which were new to me and I understood I didn’t know how to use them.

There ended my journey

Mr. Wisdom: Rajah, can you describe the journey into future in just one line?

Rajah thought for a while and said “Future is exciting but it is also difficult, when you are not prepared to face it”

Mr. Wisdom: The same time machine inside us takes us to the future. There are some who predict future and prepare to face it and there are many who worry about the unknown future.

Friends, When we think more about the past & more about the future we are missing a beautiful gift called –Present.

Let’s remember these lines:

Let’s take the experience from the past and work on it in the present to face the future.

All three friends thank Mr. Wisdom

Arun: We wanted to enjoy the beauty of the nature but we are going with the gift for the future.

Peter: without getting into the time machine, I learnt the value of present

Rajah: My understanding from the time machine is “be prepared before you want to face the future”

All of them enter the house and they awake up in the morning and gets ready for their journey. Mr. Wisdom brings his car from the garage and drives them back to their tent.

Trekking Ends, Life Begins

Written by: M.L.Narendra Kumar 


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