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An Interaction with a Management Monk-2

Manager: My boss is my problem; can you give me some solutions to handle him?
Monk: Never look for solutions outside, when it is inside. Most of the problems are created in the mind, then in reality. Tell me why do you consider; your boss is your problem?
Manager: He is highly demanding
Monk: Highly demanding is a meaning people give to those who are achievement oriented
Manager: He can be Achievement oriented, but why should I suffer?
Monk: Suffering is an option which you have selected
Manager: I don't have a choice
Monk: Really, you don't have a choice, ok. Let me spread some options:

1.   You can deny your boss's Demands
(Manager intervenes, we can't do that, Monk stops and says- “let me finish it”)
2.   You can seek ideas from him to understand, how you can meet his demands
3.   You can put your foot forward and refuse to accept his demands
4.   Agree you don't have the competency to meet his demands
5.   Agree that you don't have the skills to influence your boss

Every above option has an impact, some might result in losing the relationship with your boss or some might result in projecting you are incapable. 
But if you closely observe, you can confront your boss on his demands and appreciate him for his other qualities. In other words, there can be many reasons to dislike him but there can be few reasons to like him, this will help you to relate rather than to hate. 
Instead of branding a person as a demanding person, brand him as an achievement-oriented person, that will change your perception towards him.
Instead of labelling yourself as an incapable person, Identify the qualities that can help you in dealing with your boss.
 Manager: I am not convince
 Monk: I am not a Salesman, I didn't sell ideas, you do have a choice to keep suffering or come to terms with yourself and your boss
Manager: Will this not reduce my self-confidence?
Monk: In this situation self-confidence doesn't matter, it is acceptance of your capability that matters.
The day you realize your limitations, is the day that you will accept yourself
The pain comes not from limitations, it comes from the inability to accept the limitations.
Manager smiles and says " I have a choice to either suffer without accepting my limitations or accept my limitations and focus on my strengths"
Monk: You bought it, I didn't sell it

M.L. Narendra Kumar


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