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Neither following a Religion nor Secularism is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond that

Neither opposing nor supporting a political party is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond that

Neither keeping silent nor questioning the government is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond governance

Neither supporting products made in country nor opposing foreign products is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond economics

Neither following the rules nor questioning the rules is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond the rules

Neither felling proud about the culture nor critically question the culture is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond the culture

Neither being traditional nor questioning the tradition is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond the tradition

Neither being a good citizen nor being a critic is a mark of patriotism, it is beyond citizenship

What is Patriotism?

Patriotism is love of country. But you can't love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen. We don't always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good. - Cory Booker

Patriotism is not an abstract concept. It begins from one's own home. It buds out from the love for one's parents, spouse and children, the love for one's own home, village and workplace, and further develops into the love for one's country and fellow people. -Kim Jong-un

Instead of talking pseudo patriotism and taking sides with some political parties whose, it is better to follow the above said quotes for our collective well-being.

M.L.Narendra Kumar 


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