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Around you; Within you

There is melody around you, provided you cut the noise within you

There are colourful paints around you, provided you clear your thoughts within you

There is humour around you, provided you cut the seriousness within you

There are solutions around you, provided you cut the problem within you

There are friends around you, provided you shed the enmity within you

There are opportunities around you, provided you unlock the potential within you

There is wealth around you, provided you shed the poverty within you

There is business around you, provided you deactivate the fear in you

There is Knowledge around you, provided you bury the ego within you

The external world is willing to offer you, but the internal world within you is preventing to accept the offer.

It is not the external world that needs to be corrected, it is the internal world that needs to be corrected.

The irony is, you lose within and search outside. The day you realize that you are the integral part of the outside world, you will realize the potential within you

Keep correcting, keep integrating

M.L. Narendra Kumar


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