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Leadership Simplified-Part-13-To be Trusted is a Greater Compliment than being Liked

To be Trusted is a Greater Compliment than being Liked

Leaders work towards being trusted than to be liked, when Subordinates Trust the Leader, they give their best. Let us understand what are those components that matters in winning the trust of the subordinates

Character: Subordinates look for a Leaders who are Honest and who maintains highest levels of integrity.  Expertise is admired, character is respected. Once the subordinates start respecting the Leader, their Trust Levels will go up.
Once a person is elevated to the level of a Leadership, his/her technical skills takes a back seat & his /her people development skill takes a front seat. People would like to open up to a Leader who displays a character that is nonthreatening and easy to interact.
Introspect what kind of a character you are and how your character is perceived by your Team members

Compassion: Compassion is a combination of Kindness, care & Empathetic Behaviour.
True Leaders are passionate about being compassionate about their Team members well-being.
Compassion as a quality is shown when a Leader encounters a low performing subordinates, when subordinates commit a mistake etc, when Compassion is experienced by the subordinates, they admit their mistakes and they show their willingness to be corrected.
Character and Compassion are not rocket science; they are humility in action. Remember, as a Leader you might be standing on the Ladder, but never forget there is someone below who is holding it.
Trust Increases when Character is Conducive & Compassion is Experienced
M.L. Narendra Kumar


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