Don't keep satisfying everyone in life
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will darken your life to illuminate others life
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will darken your life to illuminate others life
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will never understand your
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will never understand what
satisfies you
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will keep missing the fun around
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will only keep correcting yourself
to others needs
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will be used more than helped more
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will be surrounded by brains and
not hearts
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, others priority will be your priority
If you keep satisfying everyone in life, you will never have life for yourself.
Don't be good to everyone at the cost of being bad to self
M.L.Narendra Kumar
Don't be good to everyone at the cost of being bad to self
M.L.Narendra Kumar
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