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Interaction with Failures


Mr. Failure: John let me introduce:

Mr. Misled, Mr. Cheated, Mr. Poor decisions, Mr. habits and Mr. Anger

Mr. Failure- John, with whom would like to interact first?

John: I will go with the order

Mr. Failure: Mr. Misled you can interact with John

John: This looks like as if, I am speaking to me

Mr. Failure: If people understand the importance of having a dialogue with self, such situations will rarely arise 

John: You are right Mr. Failure

Mr. Failure smiles and tells you people can start your interaction

Mr. Misled: Mr. John, Who, when, why, how were you misled?

John: Let me answer one by one

·         Who: It was my business associate?

·         When: We ventured into stock market

·         Why: I am not sure, whether it was intentional or lack of knowledge

·         How: We invested in stocks which was promising

Mr. Misled: John, is your business associate an expert in stocks

John: No, he had a friend who used to advise him

Mr. Misled: What was his interest in the deal

John: There was no financial interest, it was friendly inputs

Mr. Misled: his, intention was not making money out of you

John: You are right

Mr. Misled: John, would you suggest medical remedies for one your friend

John: No, I will not

Mr. Misled: Why

John: I am not a Doctor

Mr. Misled: Whom will you approach, when you have a health problem?

John: I will approach my Doctor

Mr. Misled: Why?

John: He knows about physiology and medicines

Mr. Misled: Did you cross check or approach an expert before investing your hard-earned money

John: No, we didn’t do that

Mr. Misled: I am sure you would agree with this quote “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day, But They Were Laying Bricks Every Hour-By James clear”

Similarly, you and your associate would have built your business, but can I call it uncalculated risk, greed or gut feeling that made you take a decision which was not in your control?

John: It’s combination of all the three

Mr. Misled: John, what is your learning from this interaction

John: My take-aways from this interaction are

·         Listen to others but be critical

·         Meet the right people before you invest

·         Finally, the following quote was running in my mind “There is enough for everyone’s need but not for their greed”

Mr. Misled: That’s a good insight, remember if you look deeper into your Failure you can understand that there is nothing called a failure It is called a costly mistake

John: Very costly mistake

Mr. Misled: John close your eyes & visualize yourself doing the right things in the future as you stated in the takeaways from the interaction

John closes his eyes for few minutes and opens his eyes and tells “Mr. Misled it was a good experience”

Mr. Cheated: John, Mr. Mislead is gone, I am Mr. Cheated

John: Where is he gone?

Mr. Cheated: Once you realise your mistake each one of us will disappear, can we start the interaction


M.L.Narendra Kumar


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