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You see what you want to see

During my childhood days I used to go in cycle rikshaw with my brother, sister and my relatives to the school. Though it was a short distance, since it was a manual rikshaw it took some time to reach the school.

We were in different classes and hence we didn't have a common subject to discuss and above all we were average students who didn't have much of inclination to talk about studies too. 

We derived our own ways to make our journey happy, sometimes we used to play rock, paper. & scissors, sometimes we used to spot a car with Registration named MSQ or we used to count the number of Fiat or Ambassador cars on the road. Though the number of vehicles was less, we still used to spot few cars. 

We used to play a game of spotting a car brand, the objective was to find out who was able to spot greater number of car brands before reaching our destination. Though it didn't have a logical conclusion, we did enjoy the moment.

During the journey we were so focused on the brand and hence we stopped ignoring other vehicles and brand of cars.

At this point, you might be wondering, what am I trying to communicate. Yes, I do have a point to make, but before that I would like to share a quote, I read 

Easy to spot a yellow car if you are always thinking of a yellow car

After reading the above line, it took me back to my childhood rikshaw ride. 

The point I would like to make is " we see what we want to see". As a child we wanted to see a Fiat car and hence we were not focusing on rest of the cars. Now let's bring the game into our life.

  •  If I want to see what is right with others, I will keep seeing their Good deeds
  •  If I want to see the opportunities, I will keep searching for opportunities
  • If I want to see who can help me, I will keep searching for people who can help me.
The same mind can also keep seeing what is wrong, reason out why there are no opportunities etc.

As a kid when I was able to see what I wanted to see whereas as an adult why am I not seeing what I want to see? The reason is, the adult mind is adulterated with negative likes fear, guilt, worries etc, hence we live with reasons and doubts.

What we want to see depends upon our positivity and who is inside us- The child or the adulterated adult.

Remember determined child was perceived as adamant child & undetermined adult is perceived as a pessimist.

You know who should be activated to see what you want to see

M.L. Narendra Kumar


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