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Leadership Simplified-47-Leadership Lessons from Books on Self-Development Part-2


Leadership Lessons from Books on Self-Development Part-2

Self-Development is a continuous process and it doesn’t happen with one book; hence the Authors also keep publishing more, as and when they complete a book, they do realise what they have missed in their earlier book and bring it up in the next book. One of the components of growth is realisation, let us understand what we can learn from the following point

Develop A Sense of Realisation

While reading a book on self-development, readers will slowly start realising their potential, their short comings etc, these realisations are the starting point of change, those who are serious about changing themselves will start applying the learning from the book.

The Lesson we can infer from the above point is, Leaders should help their subordinates realise their potential and shortcomings, such realisation can only happen when there is a regular engagement between the Leader and the subordinate.

There are set of subordinates, whose Intrapersonal Intelligence is high i.e. the ability to understand self, they can realise their own potential and shortcomings by introspection, whereas there are others who require an outside force to help them realise and that force is the Leader. A true Leader is an unbiased and selfless person who has the willingness to realise and help others realise.

Before helping other to realise take a journey into self and list down the benefits of self-realisation.

Every page in a good book is a value for money, similarly every interaction with a Leader should be a valuable discussion, which should either help the subordinate to realise their shortcomings or realise their value

Leadership is a Function of Discovering Self and helping others Discover the Leader in them

 M.L. Narendra Kumar




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