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Not all the race should be run


Not all the race should be run

A turtle was walking in a jungle, a hare approached the turtle and asked, "Can we run a race?"

The turtle said, " there is hare running in front of you, why don't you call that hare for a race?"

The hare was surprised with the response and said "your forefathers did compete and lose the race with our forefathers"

The turtle said "Neither your forefathers, understood the meaning of "equals" nor my forefathers understood the art of calling your forefathers for swimming in the deep sea.

Turtle said, "Hope you understood the message,"

The hare sarcastically smiled and said you are afraid of losing

The turtle said "Okay, before I accept your challenge, can you fulfil my need"

Hare with an egoistic smile asked, "what should I do?"

The turtle said "come let us swim in the deep sea"

Hare said " I am not designed to swim"

Turtle asked, "Am I designed to run?"

Hare said "No you are not"

Turtle asked, "Is it to fair to call me for a race?"

Hare said "It is not fair on my part to call you for a race"

Turtle said "Let the competition be fair"

Hare with apologetic face said " you are right"

Turtle said

Help the other person connect with their strengths, do not make them feel weak

Weakness is a perception due to comparison

Instead of competing with others, it is better to keep rising the bar by competing with self.

Remember, not all the race should be run

M.L. Narendra Kumar


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