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Leadership Simplified-Part-41-Leadership Lesson from Friends


Leadership Lesson from Friends

Friends are one of the great sources of Power; they bring the best out of us and they add colours to our life. The moment we start thinking about our friends there is always a smile on our lips. Let us understand certain Leadership qualities that can be learnt from our friends.

Team Builder: Among our friends  there will always be one person who builds the team, let it be for a weekend outing or to buy a college book, there is this one person who takes the initiative of bringing the friends together. As a Leader we should always be instrumental in bringing the team together. Let it be for a meeting or an outing, a Leader should be a Team builder

Talent Developers: Friends are the greatest source of motivation and they bring the talent out of us, our friends group was always the first set of audience where we performed at no cost and it is the same friends  for whom we later give a complementary pass, but for our friends we would have not been a performer. One of the finest Leadership quality we can learn from this example is, always keep encouraging the subordinates to explore their talent by doing so, we will have champions who can create Champions

The Mediator: There is always a friend who mediates and clears the misunderstanding between friends, He/she always connects the friends with a larger cause called friendship which is important than ego, As a Leader we need to play the same role in clearing the misunderstanding between the team members by showing the big picture called organisation Vision and Team objectives.

Reflect upon your qualities as a friend, think about friends who have the above qualities, you can pick up some wonderful Leadership Lessons from them

Let the Memories of Friendship Unleash the Leader in you

M.L.Narendra Kumar


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