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Leadership Simplified-48-Leadership Lessons from Books on Self-Development Part-3

Leadership Lessons from Books on Self-Development Part-3

Change happens through constant reinforcement & a good book on self-development reinforces the need to develop those qualities required to achieve. Let us understand what we can learn from the following point:

Reinforce the Need to Improve Self

A good author will keep reinforcing the need to improve self by either sharing his/ her experience or by citing the experience of people who have accomplished in their life. Reinforcement is a mental impression that persuades the reader to follow those qualities written in the book.

The Lesson we can infer from the above point is, Leaders should reinforce the good qualities exhibited by the subordinate and keep reinforcing the qualities that needs to be developed. Only through constant positive reinforcement the Learning becomes actionable items and the same will help the subordinate to achieve the desired results.

A set of subordinates are governed from within, who might not require reinforcement from the Leader, but there are some subordinates who needs to be constantly reinforced and hence the Leader should invest his/her time with such people.

Though we know we are dressed up well, but we still see ourselves in front of the  mirror to check whether things are in place or not, this is not only an act of checking, it also an act of reinforcing ourselves.

Some books on Self-Development does not tell you something new, it keeps reinforcing what you should do with what you know

A true Leader keeps reinforcing the good in others rather than enforcing the rules on others


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