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Leadership Simplified-Part-31-Leadership Lesson from A Class Leader


Leadership Lesson from A Class Leader

During our childhood days, for some of us it would have been a goal to become a Class Leader, but for some it was a burden. Let us understand what those lessons are, we can learn from these young class Leaders.

The students who takes small initiatives like helping the teacher in giving a duster, chalk, standing in front of the class for making an announcement, handling the notebooks, test sheets etc to the rest of the class are spotted for leading the class.

Though the above said task might not be intellectual in nature, but it proves the sense of belonging and helping nature, which is very vital for dealing with people. Once these students are selected as a Leader, they slowly change their behaviour, develop interest in excelling in academics and Non-academic front.

From the above description, we can learn the following lessons from a class Leader Be committed towards helping others Do not wait to be told, take initiatives

Small helps, adds value to one’s character Position will enhance one’s performance Shed inhibitions and face the people

Remember, along with technical /functional skills, it is the people orientation qualities that elevates a person to a Leadership position. Those who are promoted as a Leader and those who are in the process of getting promoted as Leaders, focus on developing your people orientation qualities.

Find out from your children, why they were selected to lead the class or speak those kids who are the class Leaders in their respective schools, you will learn some fundamental Leadership qualities from them.

 The success of an organisation depends upon people and the success of people depends upon the leaders who nurtures and leads them

M.L. Narendra Kumar


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