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Leadership Simplified -Part-28-Leadership Lesson from Three Course Meal


Leadership Lesson from Three Course Meal

Communication and Leadership are inseparable, there are many occasions in which Leaders need to communicate to the team, an Effective Communication should Inform, Inspire and Motivate the team to take Initiatives in their roles. Let us understand what a Three course meal is and what are the communication lessons we can take from a three-course meal.

A Three-Course Meal is a meal that consists of three parts served one after the other. The three-course meal includes an Appetizer, Entrée, and Desserts


Appetizers- Are the first part of the meal which is served in the form of a soup and accompanied by breads and salads, similarly an effective communication should be hot a topic like a soup, the words should be soft like a bread & the opening statements should be fresh like a Salad.

Entrée or the Main course is served with a combination of Rice, Noodles, Pastas, etc with a right mix of gravies & sauces. A good main course should be sumptuous & balanced enough to ensure right amount of proteins, vitamins, etc is supplied to the body. Similarly, an effective communication, should be like a main course where right amount of information, thoughts, inspiration, good reasons to act upon should be blended and served in the right order.

Deserts are served to ensure a pleasant and a sweet feeling Lingers in the taste buds, before we leave the dining table, similarly. An effective communication should end with a pleasant note which should sound cool, easy to apply and they should go with some sweet memories to the workstation.

An Effective communication should be Delight to the Ears, Diet to the Mind and Easy to Digest

 M.L. Narendra Kumar


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